eye candy

May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis

62' long with a 10' beam, Bacchant was the queen of the lakes for many years. they raced her allot for many years. was inducted into the 'old goats' after 25 chi-mac races. only boat ever. i used to berth with her in chicago when i was doing the mac races. i would see her in sturge when she was going through between different racing events. the owner had this in milwaukee, 2 concordia 40's on the east coast, and an old swan 65 in the caribbean. was on her many times. when the owner bought her through palmer johnson's he took the head of service with her. kept in a warehouse with 2 climate control inner rooms. one for sanding and one for varnishing. the cradle was on rollers. the 4 man year round crew would start the varnishing the monday after thanksgiving and varnish all winter. the owners brother was the guy that stuck the old ford ship into the side of south bass island in lake erie.

the brother raced with us down on lake erie.
May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
she had an aluminum mast for racing and the wood mast for shows.
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Looks like a very inhumane trap. Thumbs down, despite its clever design. :(
I agree that there is more suffering in being trapped than getting killed. This bird trap seems impractical, but it is basically a proactive have-a-heart trap. What's inhumane about it? Keeps seagull poop off your mizzen, if not your main. ;)

-Will (Dragonfly)


Aug 9, 2011
Beneteau 310 Cheney KS (Wichita)
Coming out of 30 years racing the J/24, I looked hard at the J/35 before I settled on the Beneteau First 310. Only reason I finally rejected it was the draft. Normally, our lake can't take 7 feet of draft. But look at us today!

8.5 feet over pool, so my slip has about 16 feet of water under it right now.

But, it can also look like this.

That's a 17 foot swing in water depth between those two shots.
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Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish

one of the most fun boats ever. lots of great sailing was enjoyed on these

J35 :)
I had my J35 experience in Lake Erie and have sailed past the "Old Ford" many times. I was told it was a restaurant at one time was but closed during the time I was visiting the lake. That was in the mid 80's. We sailed the Mills Race, Bay Week, Snow Flurries but then my liver sued for divorce.
Jun 14, 2010
Robertson & Caine 2017 Leopard 40 CT
I agree that there is more suffering in being trapped than getting killed. This bird trap seems impractical, but it is basically a proactive have-a-heart trap. What's inhumane about it? Keeps seagull poop off your mizzen, if not your main. ;)

-Will (Dragonfly)
Sorry to go down the proverbial "rabbit hole" on this, @Will Gilmore , but I once trapped a mouse in one of those "humane" traps that allow you to release them unharmed elsewhere, but I failed to mind the trap. When I found the remains days later, it was pretty gruesome (and certainly a worse way for that mouse to have died than if he had been caught by the type that snaps and kills quickly). I felt pretty bad about it.
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
I understand. I have had similar experiences. Killing animals isn't easy and thinking that they suffered is horrible. However, I have relocated a lot of animals and I have much better outcomes with that then with injured ones I find and try to nurse back to health. I'm terrible at that. I was just making a little joke about a "proactive" have-a-heart trap. I thought it was kinda clever. :wink3:
I do think Jon is right, though. It's meant to be a fantasy toy, not a real trap.

-Will (Dragonfly)
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Apr 3, 2019
Macgregor 26M Mobile AL
I'm thinking that a guy with enough time to conceive, carve, troubleshoot, video, edit, and upload that rig; needs to buy (or build) himself a sailboat. He obviously has too much time on his hands.

But, nicely done.

How would he get a live bird to sit still on that stick while the wooden large-mouth slid down the string in devour mode? I assumed it was a toy also.