
Jan 19, 2024
Catalina 22 Sea of Cortez
Hi all.
I am thinking about hauling a Hunter 22 cross country.
The boat looks good, it's the right price, but I don't know anything about boat trailers.

I've been trying to find someone who works on trailers, in January, but none ever answer my requests for estimates.

The boat is on a single axle trailer I'm assuming is the original that came with the Hunter (the seller doesn't know as she's just a broker).

IF I were looking at having new tires and wheel bearings replaced, roughly how much do such repairs typically go for, this time of year?

Does anyone have any idea?
Thank you.
Mar 6, 2008
Catalina 1999 C36 MKII #1787 Coyote Point Marina, CA.
May I guess? 2 tires installed on 2 rims under $400.00. 2 axcle bearing at $40.00 each. Installation is done by removing the tires and a nut and pull the bearing out by hand. Clean and lubricate the axcel, insert the new bearing and install the bearing. One hour each axcel, about $250.00 for both axcels. Estimate Total $750.00 for a high estimate. If you are handy you can replace the bearing yourself. Watch a few youtube videos.
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Fort Walton Yacht Club, Florida
Any semicompetent mechanic can do the bearings. Tires can be had at most any WalMart.

My suggestion would be to buy four tires and replace the hubs then have the old bearings repacked and keep those as spares replacing the bearings if they are pitted or worn.

In addition to the tires and bearings the condition of the springs and axle should be examined as well.

An outfit that services RVs could handle the job and may likely be more familiar with that sort of work than a typical garage.

These may not be the size but are a good approximation and West's prices are probably higher than most places:

C E SMITH ST205/75R X 14 Radial Trailer Tire and 14 X 6 Galvanized Spoke Rim 5 X 4 1/2 Bolt Pattern | West Marine

C E SMITH Trailer Hub Kits | West Marine
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Jun 4, 2024
Hunter Legend 35.5 Charleston SC
Check the axle carefully if its been in salt water... We once had one give out in the middle from rust. The good news is, a Hunter 23.5 on the trailer just fit on top of a roll back tow truck.....
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Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA

A private message was sent to you. First, I need to know what year is your boat as there are two different styles. Are there any brakes as that too will determine what I will have to say
Jan 19, 2024
Catalina 22 Sea of Cortez
May I guess? 2 tires installed on 2 rims under $400.00. 2 axcle bearing at $40.00 each. Installation is done by removing the tires and a nut and pull the bearing out by hand. Clean and lubricate the axcel, insert the new bearing and install the bearing. One hour each axcel, about $250.00 for both axcels. Estimate Total $750.00 for a high estimate. If you are handy you can replace the bearing yourself. Watch a few youtube videos.
Thank you,
I am handy, with the help of YouTube, I've done quite a bit of DIYs.

But not in January, as I don't have a garage or anywhere above freezing to attempt it.
That's why I'm looking to have someone else do it.
Jan 19, 2024
Catalina 22 Sea of Cortez
Check the axle carefully if its been in salt water... We once had one give out in the middle from rust. The good news is, a Hunter 23.5 on the trailer just fit on top of a roll back tow truck.....
Lol, that's what I'm afraid of happening, and intend to have new tires and good bearings before leaving.

Fortunately I very much doubt it's seen salt water, considering we're pretty land locked in my neck of the woods.
And thank you.
Jan 19, 2024
Catalina 22 Sea of Cortez
Any semicompetent mechanic can do the bearings. Tires can be had at most any WalMart.

My suggestion would be to buy four tires and replace the hubs then have the old bearings repacked and keep those as spares replacing the bearings if they are pitted or worn.

In addition to the tires and bearings the condition of the springs and axle should be examined as well.

An outfit that services RVs could handle the job and may likely be more familiar with that sort of work than a typical garage.

These may not be the size but are a good approximation and West's prices are probably higher than most places:

C E SMITH ST205/75R X 14 Radial Trailer Tire and 14 X 6 Galvanized Spoke Rim 5 X 4 1/2 Bolt Pattern | West Marine

C E SMITH Trailer Hub Kits | West Marine
Thank you for that.

I intend to carry spare everything, and would attempt the repairs myself, if I had somewhere out of the cold to do it.

But I don't. Hence my looking for someone who does.
Thank you.
Jan 19, 2024
Catalina 22 Sea of Cortez
May I guess? 2 tires installed on 2 rims under $400.00. 2 axcle bearing at $40.00 each. Installation is done by removing the tires and a nut and pull the bearing out by hand. Clean and lubricate the axcel, insert the new bearing and install the bearing. One hour each axcel, about $250.00 for both axcels. Estimate Total $750.00 for a high estimate. If you are handy you can replace the bearing yourself. Watch a few youtube videos.
I have watched several YouTube videos.
It doesn't look too complicated, just very messy, lol.

I would have attempted the procedure myself, we're it above freezing here.

But not this time of year, in my driveway.

Thank you.
Mar 6, 2008
Catalina 1999 C36 MKII #1787 Coyote Point Marina, CA.
Rxwoman, yes it is messy. Wear latex gloves from Harbor Freight, use bearing grease for the axcel. Then have a hot bowl of chowder and French bread.
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Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA

Hunter built two 22 foot boats the first in the early 1980’s and another 22 that replaced the plastic 216 which is no longer built as Marlow Hunter closed its doors two years ago. When responding, I try to get all information first to respond to the question; therefore, Ian only talking about the trailer only. The boat is a 1983 model with a trailer thru a broker. I do not know the year of the trailer but I will assume it too is a 1983 model without any history nor even maintenance schedule information.

If a 1983 model trailer, then there is a lot to look at.

1. Tire tread and dry rot
2. Brakes if any to see if they work
3. Hubs and bearings/racers
4. Trailer lights
5. Axle rust/deteriation
6. Leaf springs
7. Winch stand, winch operation and strap/safety chain
8. Check frame for rust and broken welds
9. Check the weight loads of the tires
10. Spare tire and hub
11., check the wheel fenders
12. One photo of trailer showed only two bunk board
supports each side. Suggest a third bunk board
support each side. Suggest looking at bunk board
13. Check for keel tray integrity.

Due to the strong possibility that this could be a 42 year old trailer and not knowing the overall integrity, I strongly recommend hiring a professional for inspection and recommendations of the trailer. Boat trailer is one thing but human life is more important!
Dave Condon
Jan 19, 2024
Catalina 22 Sea of Cortez
Thank you Dave.
Unfortunately I snoozed, and I loosed.

I message the broker this afternoon to set up a time to go see it tomorrow.
She sold it.

Now I'm going to go look at the Hunter that was my second choice. 1997 23.5.
The water balast thing concerns me, but oh well. I was too slow on the 22.

Thank you to everyone who chimed in!
Jan 19, 2024
Catalina 22 Sea of Cortez
You may want to talk with me as the original plans came from me on the 23.5 plus i sold nearly 25% of the production line. We need to talk

Crazy Dave
I would LOVE to.

Ok, how hard is it for one person to raise the mast?
Is the single axle trailer hard to tow long distance as I've been reading complaints of fish tailing?

I went to look at it, it seems in good shape, I didnt see any red flags, other than probably needing new tires.

Are 23.5s really an easier sailboat to start with than some others?

The place I'll be launching from (launch and retrieve every outing) is just a gravel/concrete ramp, no pier, no dock, no slips at least not for the public.
The only other nearby option is just the beach.
So, not really an option.

Lay it on me. And thank you!
Mar 6, 2008
Catalina 1999 C36 MKII #1787 Coyote Point Marina, CA.
Mast raising, view these images and the first diagram. It is not hard and this is how I did on my H25.5 1984. You must make sure that the mast does not swing left or right while raising. This is accomplished by providing temporary stayes on the left and right sides of the mast. Then use the jib halyard to pull up the mast.
Fish tailing is caused by insufficient weight on the hitch. It must be at least 10% of the total weight towed. If you start fish tailing, do not hit the brakes, instead accelerate.
Jun 4, 2024
Hunter Legend 35.5 Charleston SC
I had a 23.5 years ago. As a novice sailor, that boat made me look good.... Its easy to sail as long as the winds are less than 15. Its such a light boat that any wind over 20 seemed like too much work... The main drawback to trailer sailing was it took about 30 min. to raise the mast, and another 30 to put it away at the end of the day. A single person can raise it without too much trouble.

I would LOVE to.

Ok, how hard is it for one person to raise the mast?
Is the single axle trailer hard to tow long distance as I've been reading complaints of fish tailing?

I went to look at it, it seems in good shape, I didnt see any red flags, other than probably needing new tires.

Are 23.5s really an easier sailboat to start with than some others?

The place I'll be launching from (launch and retrieve every outing) is just a gravel/concrete ramp, no pier, no dock, no slips at least not for the public.
The only other nearby option is just the beach.
So, not really an option.

Lay it on me. And thank you!
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Fort Walton Yacht Club, Florida
The single axle trailer is just on the edge of being tolerable. If the boat is empty, everything is in great shape and towing with a decent sized vehicle it is just on the edge of acceptability when towing for short distances. I've towed mine with a Lincoln Town Car, an F-150 and a Lincoln MKX with the big V-6 and the trailer package (that is about as small a car as is comfortable). I've also towed it around the neighborhood with a five liter Mustang only because the lot we were in was tight with the truck or Town Car. I don't recommend that for more than ten miles or over 25mph.

I added a second axle to mine. It was not a complicated endeavor if you are acquainted with grinding packing wheel bearings and doing brake work. Not sure where you are but there is probably a place to get the trailer set up right.

The boat and mast raising system are wonderful. When I was trailering my 23.5 I could drive up to the ramp and be sailing 30 minutes later.