This is a secondary panel I installed several years ago. When I went to lithium batteries I moved the inverter and I don't use that remote any more. Or the 110v outlet below. So I am considering two options.
1) remove the inverter remote and put in an Anderson powerpole outlet connected to the bottom switch.
Convert my devices to the Anderson plug and have extras for the future. I could also make a Anderson to cigarette lighter plug adapter so I can bring the devices to other boats if needed.
2) Wire the unused 110v outlet to the bottom breaker and label "12 Volt Outlets". Install 110v plug on my devices and label them as well. I could make the same 110v to cigarette lighter plug connector. My concern with this is the risk of someone plugging the wrong device into the wrong plug. I could use Euro style plugs with this approach.
With either approach the cigarette lighter style and USB outlets would remain usable.
Any thoughts on the two approaches?