Restoration of 1981 C-22 swing keel #10580

Apr 11, 2017
Catalina C22 Solomon's Island, MD
I know the feeling. A great selling point is if anyone wants your C22's history - it's well documented. The normal "idiot PO" concern should not apply... It will be a solid boat for some lucky new owner. Sorry to hear such a skilled craftsman might no longer be chipping into the forum.
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Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
Luke while I am sad to hear you may no longer hanging out with us, I applaud your goal of early retirement.

Hang gliding ? Nice choice. My wife wants to learn, while I am curious about paramotors. Hang gliding would be much quieter though.

Good luck with business and your goal of a big boat. Any ideas of what you are looking for in one ?
Jul 13, 2015
Catalina 22 #2552 2252 Kennewick, WA
Don’t do it!!! Unless of course you buy a much bigger boat and start cruising in which case ::: do it!
May 23, 2016
Catalina 22 #12502 BSC
Luke, I think we were all hoping to see your project in the water one day, but you have a lot of GOOD oars in the water, and the youth and expertise to execute, good on you and keep us posted on your successes (and your bigger boat)!
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Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
I do feel kind of stupid... All that work and I haven't mustered the time or energy to finish the last few steps and sail her. Sometimes I feel like I regret starting Kraken Structures, maybe if I had skipped that I'd be back on the water already and closer to financial goals (I have put mucho $$$ into the business). I try to hold on to what I have gained from Kraken, primarily that I never would have done Dyneema Rigs in the large sizes (9 and 10 mm so far) had I not. I guess those are the things people really question after starting a business... was it worth it? I'm holding on to "I think so" for right now.
One thing that would change my mind is if I cam across a better deal for boat storage. Right now I can do $750 for the year if I put it on a mooring ball, but they I still have store the trailer somewhere. If I could store the boat on the trailer somewhere more affordable and convenient I would do it, but then I'd still be having to rig and launch/recover for every sail...


May 23, 2017
Catalina Jaguar 22 Simons Town
Hey Luke... I see so much similarity in our threads. I too have been looking at bigger boats. My problem is no one around me family wise is interested. The whole idea for me was a trailer sailer that I could take out, rig, launch, days sail or weekend camp, haul out, de-rig, tow away and pack away for the next few months till the sailing day or urge comes up. Mooring fee's at my local club are the most expensive in South Africa... the main point to not wanting to keep a boat on a mooring. A swing mooring is cheaper however the boat becomes a sea bird sanctuary with the lovely coating of guano that is oh so appealing... or it's a target for the myriad of thieving scavengers loitering around the suburbs these days.

Priorities change over time, just like desires. What works for you today may not work for you in the future. Family, personal health and financial security is what it boils down too. Applause for starting your own business. I ended up in hospital for working my self to death chasing money... no one thanked me for spending endless days at work - No One!

Anyways... like you I have spent way to much money and time on the boat to just sell it without at least sailing it for a season. There is also no ways I would recoupe what I got in it... new or otherwise. Unless you buy a brand spanking new boat that is genuinely "turn key" ready you just going to buy a bigger project boat.

As they say though "whatever floats your boat"! All the best for you and yours in your decision making process.


Feb 18, 2018
Catalina 22 Wilmington
As another very dry project boat owner, I feel your pain. Moving into year 2 of a "simple refit" the end always seems just around the corner..... But. I have aspirations of a bigger boat, I also have a big dose of reality. This will be my only boat for the foreseeable future. Slip fees are rediculous. This 22 footer fits the bill for weekending etc. Just need to soldier on and hit the water.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Hey everyone... Not much has changed since my last post. I've been murdered by Rigging jobs, I have basically been working 16 hours a day, 6 to 7 days a week. I still haven't found any time to get back in my shop to finish the last bits on my C22! At this point I am considering selling it unfinished. See notes above, there is very little left to do and none of it involves sanding, grinding, glassing, painting or other 'dirty work'. The electrical system needs to be wired and some deck harware needs installed/bedded. Thats really about the gist of it except for running rigging. If anyone wants an easy winter project, make me an offer. I will be reasonable, but keep in mind that if I finish the work and list it for sale in the spring I'll be asking about $10K.


Feb 14, 2017
Catalina 310 211 Lake Guntersville, AL
Wow, I don't know what you think you need to do for electrical but with all this time and money put in her slap some battery powered lights on her, pay the $750 at a mooring and sail her at least a year!