Random Yanmar instrument warning light and buzzer

Oct 8, 2023
Hunter 30 Lake Travis, Austin Texas
What would cause the Water control panel light (and buzzer) to activate on my Yanmar control panel in the cockpit? It comes on after running the engine for at least 10 minutes, but not every time.
yanmar control panel.jpg
Oct 26, 2010
Hunter 40.5 Beaufort, SC
That "Water" alarm probably means "high temperature" in the engine cooling system. I can't imagine it meaning anything else. Why only sometimes many have to do with the load you are putting on the engine at the time or other variables. I would not run the engine until you sort out the cause of the alarm. As we were taught in Nulear Power School - Believe your indications!
Oct 8, 2023
Hunter 30 Lake Travis, Austin Texas
That "Water" alarm probably means "high temperature" in the engine cooling system. I can't imagine it meaning anything else. Why only sometimes many have to do with the load you are putting on the engine at the time or other variables. I would not run the engine until you sort out the cause of the alarm. As we were taught in Nulear Power School - Believe your indications!
Thanks Smokey73! I suspected as much, just not sure how to troubleshoot. I haven't had the boat very long, and this is my first diesel inboard. I'm thinking I should blow the water line with compressed air to see if anything is plugging the intake.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Can't even start until we know what model the Yanmar is.

Yanmar 2GM20 has different overheating causes than a Yanmar 2GM20F. And I'm taking a guess that it's a 2GM series engine.


Jan 22, 2008
Hunter 37-cutter Richmond CA
That looks pretty much identical to my Yanmar qm series panel, also most likely on a Cherubini if it is the original motor.

I had similar problems due to spade terminals in the wiring harness not making good contact. I took it all apart cleaned everything up and sprayed with Deoxit D5. The problem went away and due (perhaps) to a biennial repeat has never come back.

This does not mean you should not confirm there is not another issue. Over 22 years I have overhauled my heat exchanger and replaced the mixing elbow twice. Problems have come from clogs in the heat exchanger, exhaust manifold and mixing elbow. Lots of other things can go wrong too, including raw water pump and strainer.

Please tell us also whether it is fresh or raw water cooled and which Yanmar it is.

Also note that full manuals are available electronically for free.