Peri Navi Megayacht 'Bayesian' Sinks Off Italy: 1 Dead, 6 Missing
The 184-foot Perini Navi sailing yacht Bayesian sank in a storm off of Poricello, Sicily, about 10 miles east of Palermo, Italy.
Or possibly downflooding if it were knocked down and doors and hatches open.would one not also expect there was some catastrophic hull damage?
While it is true, size does matter!scratching my head on how such a large yacht could have been sunk at mooring
That's my understanding.Are waterspouts just a tornado over water?
I have forgotten most of the storms that have impacted the Gulf Coast over the years; however, Camille is one that you never forget. Helped with relief efforts until schools opened at end of summer.Water spouts. A Devil's Water Tail...
In August of 1969, Hurricane Camille swept across Virginia back to the sea after laying waste to Mississippi
My theory is that due to the probably very high tension on the rigging that with the energy of the waterspout the hull failed under the mast and drove the mast down like an arrow from a bow, causing a huge hole in the hull.The captain of a yacht that was anchored nearby said after the waterspout passed by, they noticed the yacht behind them (Bayesian), was no longer there. Eyewitnesses said the mast did snap, but to go down so fast, would one not also expect there was some catastrophic hull damage?
Interesting. I wonder if they would typically leave it up or down while at anchor?The Bayesian also has a lifting keel which if in the raised position would greatly diminish the positive righting angle.