Engine room vinyl coated foam is peeling

Jun 21, 2004
Beneteau 343 Slidell, LA
The vinyl coated foam liner that surrounds my engine compartment is peeling. Combination of age & heat is undoubtedly the cause. The foam insulation appears to be intact. Not sure of the purpose of the vinyl; possibly to prevent microscopic foam particles from being injested into the engine intake or just a reflective barrier. In any event, it’s making a mess. First thought is to simply use a vacuum cleaner to remove the vinyl. Not going to replace the foam at this point in time; however, will no doubt have to replace it in future. My questions are, have any of you experienced this? Also, is there any spray coating in a can that can be used to apply new vinyl?IMG_2942.jpeg
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
The vinyl is probably there to prevent oil and grease from impregnating the foam. Helps to keep the diesel and exhaust odor down.

After a few trips where motoring trumps sailing, you'll want that sound insulation back.
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Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Amazing. Looks more like adhesed green garbage bags.

I agree that some form of spray on paint is your best bet. Be careful as many paints say : DO NOT USE ON PLASTIC
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Likes: BigEasy
Jun 21, 2004
Beneteau 343 Slidell, LA
Amazing. Looks more like adhesed green garbage bags.
Ralph, this stuff is much thinner than a plastic bag & is super flexible. You can remove it by simply running your hand over the surface & vacuuming. Don’t want this sloughing off & going into intake air filter. Would be nice to spray a new vinyl coating.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I suspect they used vinyl to make the product look clean and address the issue of open-celled foam.

Here are one source's observations and suggestions.
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Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
My foam had a different layer of stuff on the outside, but also failed and was a real mess (30 years old or so).

My solution was to encapsulate the foam using Reflexite insulation. I sealed edges with some aluminum duct tape and stapled the Reflexite right over the old foam. This “locked” in the foam and the backing that was peeling and added another layer of insulation and sound barrier.

I installed this stuff 8 years ago, and still working great.

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