Trip to Europe (and back) begins

Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Too bad you can't take the time to visit Puerto Rico and the famous ruta del lechón, otherwise known as, the pork highway.

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Feb 12, 2024
grampian 34 santa xruz
They should be able to see land any minute. That’s only about 4 inches on my screen.
That’s why Much prefer his text updates to the silly little GIF image “updates”. I can punch in coordinates to my own mapping system(s) but can’t do diddly squat with the near meaningless images.

PS: enormity indicates a GREAT EVIL.
“The quality of passing all moral bounds; excessive wickedness or outrageousness.
A monstrous offense or evil; an outrage.” —AHeD

I think you were referring to the enormousness of the sea, not some inherent evilness…. but what do I know?
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Too bad you can't take the time to visit Puerto Rico and the famous ruta del lechón, otherwise known as, the pork highway.

Actually, i may have some time in Puerto Rico. My current crew wants to get there before the end of February - I'll head out end of the first week or maybe second week. Picking up crew in San Juan.


p.s. lechón means young pork that is still nursing, or suckling pig...
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Likes: Will Gilmore
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
There are a couple of towns along that road that are known for their pork. You drive through and it's nothing but restaurants and souvenir shops.



Aug 9, 2011
Beneteau 310 Cheney KS (Wichita)
The Bight is a wonderful place to hook up. Look for the "Moby" stickers throughout the BVI. Red Whale shape. Indicates that "Moby" has been there. You can look for Moby II sailing about the BVI, a Jeanneau 53. She'll have that Moby sticker on her bows. That's the boat we delivered from GA to BVI (we are inland sailors - HA) after the hurricane took the original Moby. She slips at the east end of Tortola, same place her processor, a Bavaria 50, was battered and sank in the storm. Should you run into them, say hello from "dad" Fitzgerald. Both me and my son are good friends with them so you have to make the distinction.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
What a beautiful anchorage! Off to dinner once I finish my rum ....



Aug 9, 2011
Beneteau 310 Cheney KS (Wichita)
There is a great restaurant up at the top of the mountain toward the W or NW of CA Harbor. Has a nice patio that you can sit and eat and overlook the harbor. Don't recall the name off the top but a cab driver can get you to it.

Mafolie Hotel & Restaurant
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
There is a great restaurant up at the top of the mountain toward the W or NW of CA Harbor. Has a nice patio that you can sit and eat and overlook the harbor. Don't recall the name off the top but a cab driver can get you to it.

Mafolie Hotel & Restaurant
Suggestions for Culebra?

We will be there tomorrow.

Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Best meal I ever had was in a restaurant called Whale of a Tale, on Saint Thomas. The tuna was caught that morning and the tuna steak was AB SO LUTE LY perfectly cooked. Been trying to find its equal ever since.

Afterwards, my wife and I went across the street with our daughter to go grocery shopping while my parents went their own way, and my son, age about eight, stayed behind hunting anoles with his palm leaf lasso. We thought he was with my parents until the waitress came walking across the street, with our son holding her hand, to find us.

My wife was so upset with my parents, who hadn't a clue. My son was completely unconcerned because, iguanas.

  • Ha
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