OK, so let's do some engineering.
BlueSea wire sizing chart says 10 AWG good for 10A 30 feet, 30A 10 feet.
A 30 foot boat of your vintage most likely has a stock 55A alternator. Since that's cold rated and well know most don't put out anywhere their near rated output unless batteries are really empty or with an external regulator, it appears that say with a 55A alternator putting out 30A running a #10 wire as the alternator output is 1) not a good choice for load carrying and 2) not a good choice to run to the cockpit panel at all because as Ralph said most builders ran the AO to the C post of the 1-2-B switch AND (as I posted in my links) they did this VIA the same wire used to power the starter. In almost all cases that I am aware of (and having owned my boat for 25 years and very active in boat electrical stuff) a #10 wire would be INADEQUATE to power a starter. Most Catalina 30s, for example, of 1970-1990 vintage had #4 AWG to the starter. #10 would be adequate for the short distance between the starter and the alternator which Maine Sail discusses in his link.
Some builders did run #10 wiring to their cockpit panels for ammeters. Absent an ammeter, either you had one and it was removed OR that wire powers something else. Most likely some solenoid or relay; or abandoned.
At this point, asking what other people have or what might have been OEM is, I believe a waste of your time.
Rather I suggest you spend your time doing a real wiring diagram of this portion of your boat based on what you actually have in front of you. You're there, we're not.
Good luck, keep us posted.
Here's another MS link:
Universal Diesel Engine - Wiring Harness Upgrade - Marine How To