Not doing any cooking at all in my boat. If I was, a fire blanket in the galley would be an absolute must. For now, my vintage alcohol cooktop is effectively a decoration.
I have two new ABC extinguishers meeting the new CG requirements; one in the galley and one in the V-berth. The two old ABC extinguishers, which still show full pressure, are under the nav desk and in the cockpit lazarett. The point raised in this thread about possible settling or caking of the contents of older extinguishers does have me concerned that they might not be as useful as I thought.
I also have three mini automatic extinguishers; one each in the engine compartment, the battery locker and behind the electrical panel. My insurer likes them. I posted about them tangentially in a thread about refilling automatic fire suppression systems in late Dec 2022. Here is a link to that post.
Just went through this and see next to nothing here on the forum I thought I'd post in case someone else is thinking about doing this. Sold my 2009 H36 and one of the conditions of sale was to replace the Sea-Fire automatic extinguisher in the engine bay. Surprisingly it was actually reading...