Elusive Leak in the Anchor Lockers of 1995 and Later Hunters

Jan 25, 2011
S2 11.0A Anacortes, WA
How about fixing up a garden sprayer heavily laden with food coloring and heavily spray a certain area at a time. Maybe a little heavier than a spray but one area at a time..just a thought
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
How about fixing up a garden sprayer heavily laden with food coloring
I had actually done this decades ago in one particular area I had suspected, however this area required water to flow uphill for the leak to occur. Long story short .................. the leak had already been in progress for a couple of months as it was the dead of winter BUT the leakage goes through the rear of the locker plywood which colours the water a dark opaque brown before it appears in the V-berth so if there was dye in the water, I couldn't see it.
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May 3, 2022
hunter 34 craig
For 24 years I have searched for a small leak which originates in the anchor locker of my 1998 H-310 and finds its way into the forward V-berth. Please see the following for a complete history:

Since entering the above post, I find we are now three Hunter owners who have a similar if not identical problem. If there are any other Hunter owners of similar size and year boats who are experiencing the same problem, I know I would be greatly indebted to anyone who can shed any light on this problem. I don't know at what size Hunter boats, the anchor lockers deviate from the mid 30 footers, but please add any insight you may have.

We seek absolutely any and all ideas whatsoever regarding this problem. All replies ............... no matter how weird, how whacked out, how Twilight Zone sourced, how riotously insane and delirious will be held near and dear to my heart. And whoever presents the most impossible answer of all, just might* win a kewpie doll.
*Legal disclaimer, "please note the word "might*".
The reason I am willing to treasure absolutely any idea is because of this famous self evident truth:

When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” ~ Arthur Conan Doyle, The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes.

Thanks for your thoughts and whatever else spills off your keyboard.
Hey new to forum but same problem here trying to find a limber hole from chain loker to bilge I been removing my water with a wet vacuum
Mar 27, 2021
Hunter 306 Lake Pepin
I was reminded of this thread while responding to a different thread earlier, and figured I'd post a brief follow-up. I still haven't fixed my anchor locker, but temporarily taped up a plastic sheet skirt all along the edge of the windlass platform molding in the upper portion of the locker. It extends halfway down into the locker so that the water that falls into the locker falls harmlessly down to the bottom of the locker. Well, so far so good, and I'm happy to report that my bilge has been bone dry for about a month now, despite multiple downpours and other extended bouts of rain that would have otherwise resulted in a soup of tanin-stained bilge water. I'm planning on tearing out any and all rotted portions of my anchor locker and replacing with fiberglassed plywood. I'll try to remember to post updates once I work up the time and gumption to work on it.
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Jun 18, 2015
Mascot 28 Pilothouse Motorsailer Grand Manan
Suggest: Drill the pinhole a bit. Use an air hose with a tapered inflator tip to pressurize the "hole".
Search with soapy sponge,etc. Possibly use food colouring,etc.
I have used methyl hydrate with or without colouring to trace leaks.It is thinner than water.
Jun 25, 2004
Hunter 306 Pasadena MD
I was reminded of this thread while responding to a different thread earlier, and figured I'd post a brief follow-up. I still haven't fixed my anchor locker, but temporarily taped up a plastic sheet skirt all along the edge of the windlass platform molding in the upper portion of the locker. It extends halfway down into the locker so that the water that falls into the locker falls harmlessly down to the bottom of the locker. Well, so far so good, and I'm happy to report that my bilge has been bone dry for about a month now, despite multiple downpours and other extended bouts of rain that would have otherwise resulted in a soup of tanin-stained bilge water. I'm planning on tearing out any and all rotted portions of my anchor locker and replacing with fiberglassed plywood. I'll try to remember to post updates once I work up the time and gumption to work on it.
Hey. Just having responded to your response in that other thread (Epoxy questions) :), I'll respond to your response in this one. I actually did something similar: I put some duct tape along the "drip edge" where the edge of the molded deck ends, to keep the rain water away from the leaky area.
Hey: I'm not proud of it, but it has kept things from further deteriorating until I can get to a more permanent fix.
Mar 27, 2021
Hunter 306 Lake Pepin
Hey. Just having responded to your response in that other thread (Epoxy questions) :), I'll respond to your response in this one. I actually did something similar: I put some duct tape along the "drip edge" where the edge of the molded deck ends, to keep the rain water away from the leaky area.
View attachment 206168
Hey: I'm not proud of it, but it has kept things from further deteriorating until I can get to a more permanent fix.

Excellent! Even though I know it's shameful to use duct tape, I'm reminded that it's an essential engineering tool.

Mar 27, 2021
Hunter 306 Lake Pepin
2 years later and I’m finally knocking this thing out. I’ve decided that the whole problem is a combination of questionable windlass platform design and poor fiberglass layup.

I initially hoped to be able to fix the thin crack of the wall that was clearly damaged, but found the entire back wall to be thoroughly wet and rotten. Ugh.

I’ve got most of the demolition completed and a rough template made and will plan on going overboard with extra fiberglass reinforcement. The front of the wall will be tricky because my boat yoga certification is out of date.


Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
I've worked in there as well, looking for an elusive leak that I've chased for 24 years. Sometimes the leak will disappear for a year and then comes back again. It only occurs in the winter (you should see our rainy winters). I've thought about moving to Arizona to eliminate the problem.

The front of the wall will be tricky because my boat yoga certification is out of date.
I'd get the certificate renewed threefold as it's no picnic working in there.
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