As a matter of fact, let's see pics of ANY BOAT on here with proper fire extinguishers and placards marking their locations! I've been on many, many private vessels, and have looked at innumerable boats on yachtworld, and I think I can safely say that I've never seen placards marking fire extinguisher locations.
I take fire seriously. I have more than double the required extinguishers, larger than required, in addition to a fixed, automatic and manual engine compartment extinguisher system (Fireboy-Xintex). (Three times 3A: 40 B:C and one 1A: 10 B:C, all tagged and 2017 year of manufacture.) The extinguishers are in strategic locations, to allow fighting one's way out, and fighting one's way in, depending on the circumstances. In addition, I installed a cockpit locker fresh water sill cock with a hose always attached and a fire-fighting appropriate nozzle.
I would be money that I'm better prepared in this regard than 99% of the boats in my marina.