Sorry I'm late to the party here, but had been asked for my input.
I moved here in 2016. We left SF in August and got here in September. My last haulout before I left was in March 2016, one coat of Petit Trinidad Pro at Svendsons back when they were still in Alameda. It was my Haulout #7, having purchased the boat in 1998. Most of the times I got a coat and a half. I only got one then because my previous haulout hadn't been that long ago - I was out again for other reasons and the paint that had been put on recently didn't last when the boat was out of the water, so the insurance company paid for the paint, too. I did not know we were going to move to Canada in March, only learned about it in May and we moved in June, came back and got the boat in August. Fun year there!
I had a diver replace zincs in the water here in Maple Bay in October 2018.
Haulout #8 was in June 2020 with 2 coats Epoxycop. I'd been using hard paints and stuck with it. So it was four years between haulouts this time. There was a horrible growth of barnacles on the shaft and prop. There are no "regular" diving services here, damn it, even with the cold(er) water, lack of use in winter contributes a lot I think.
In SF I had a diver every 3 months, who also dealt with the zincs.
So 8 haulouts in 24 years of ownership, average of once every 3 years; my log shows sometimes every two or three years, once I went five.
I'm not sure whether I'm going to get a short haul for zincs and barnacle removal this fall or wait til spring.
I really miss having a regular diving service. I just haven't gotten into a regular "habit" or pattern here yet. My diver always used to let me know, now I have no resources. Rotten that there's such a lack of "system" with something so important. The bottom looks good, I attribute my slower speed under power to a regrowth of the damned barnacles.
Our harbor is mostly salt water, but sometimes freezes the top layer of surface water bcause there's a fresh water stream at the head of the Bay. I still wouldn't call it brackish, though.
And Matt (
@fstbttms ) thanks again for your help back in August 2016 when I was marooned off Sausalito.