I have the garhauer track cleat. NEVER had a problem with hanging up lazy sheet. But if it did, it's very simple to un hang it... The cleat sits on the toe rail, directly beneath the life line.... and if you have genoa sheets running outside the life lines it is almost physically impossible.... But wait.... let's say there is an occasion where hanging up may happen. The simply lift the knob and slide the cleat to a less vulnerable position. You can slide the thing to any place along the track you want. How can you go wrong with that, plus the price is right.
That said... I am more apt to use the track mounted cleat for spring lines where the load is fore and aft... rather than a breast line or any other type of connection where the load would be side to side. Just my guess, I have no actual documented evidence to verify my though, I'm just visualizing the leverage over a narrow 1-1.25" base in side to side use, opposed to the 4 or 5 inch base in fore and aft.