Ugly, Ugly Sailboats

Jun 14, 2010
Robertson & Caine 2017 Leopard 40 CT
There's no perfect boat. It's only a matter of choosing which trade-offs are best, among your available/affordable choices. Those can change over time, circumstances, and choices can also change based on experience. The sunset is just as beautiful from a beat up dinghy as from a superyacht.
I like messing with boats and being on the water.
May 25, 2012
john alden caravelle 42 sturgeon bay, wis
perfect, that's tough ......

aeolus is a spectacular great lakes scout, camper style
Ascow is a midwest racer, fastest sailboat on the bay
trinka 12, it's a bruce kirby design

pretty damm close to perfect, for me:cool:

gave the cal20 to my daughter down the street, 3 grandkids to train
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Jan 19, 2010
Catalina 36 Mk2 San Diego
Congrats for expressing your opinion and not being intimidated by people who think you're closed-minded and should accept whatever comes along! I agree with you--square, bulky, with lots of freeboard is an eye-sore. Plus, quality-wise, a lot of these new boats are shit. I was on a Beneateau 40. You should have seen how small the electrical panel was. And the electric winch didn't even have its own breaker! And their teak decks are thin, thin, thin! And As anyone who works on them--they are more


Jan 19, 2010
Catalina 36 Mk2 San Diego
ooops. Didn't mean to send yet. And since when have square portlights been aesthetically pleasing on a boat? Oh, and that plumb bow, good luck not chipping your gel coast when pulling up the anchor if conditions aren't calm.

All that said, even the more expensive quality boats have their weaknesses, so buy a used boat from someone who cared and could afford to maintain the boat to a high standard! It worked for me!


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Gosh, anybody seen a cannon like that on a sailboat? I've often fantasized about having a really nice bow cannon... "Hey look out buster, I'm a sailboat and I have right of way, wanna find out how I make it happen???" Hahahaha

I understand we actually no longer have the technology to make the really large guns on those battleships...
