Wellll...just throwing out various scenarios, some of which may not correlate to the dx/time equation. But hey, if you can troll that fast you can cover a lot of water!A commercial fishing boat making 30 kt while fishing?
I came upon a boat off the coast of Maine at night on a solo watch that I saw on radar at some distance, was watching him, could see a big spotlight, and he was speeding up, then slowing down, then doing a 180, and I couldn't figure out what he was doing - or his intent - and he wouldn't answer on VHF. He was essentially doing unpredictable things right across my path. Eventually, as I got closer and could see him through the binos I figured out he was a commercial fisherman actively fishing at night, and when I got within a few hundred yards of where he was stopped dead - hoping to cross his bow on my course, he sped up crossing right in front of me. Assuming he had nets streaming astern I had to take the long way around him, tacking, trimming, hoping not to snag a surface float or net, and in lumpy seas. He wasn't particularly fast, but it was a headscratching contact right up to the end.
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