- Oct 22, 2014
- 22,517
Boy did I get my thinking scrambled a couple of months ago.
I was chatting with @DrJudyB about the planning for our sadly canceled 2020 Circumnavigation of Vancouver Island, when the topic drifted to the new sails I have on my boat. That is when she quietly dropped the "Aeronautic" bomb in my lap. "What do you know about slot trim?"
Before I thought about it, out popped my years of sailing training from the late 60's and 70's... "Have you read the work of Arvel Gentry..."
No. I had heard of him having followed the Americas Cup racing, but most of my youthful experience came from being on the water racing dinghies and small sloops. Learning to read the wind and adjusting the sails to get the most speed out of the boat and beat my competitors. Not a lot of aeronautic theory study. It would have gotten in the ways of surfing and chasing girls.
So I got Mr Gentry's work off the web and started to explore the mathematics and aeronautic associations. Bam, my head took another blow. All that stuff about "Lift" I learned to get my pilots license was disrupted by the vortices of the math.
I became a believer that I can learn new things. I have always believed you need an open mind and when presented with new data you need to evaluate it and compare it to the data you have. If the data changes your thinking you need to embrace it, not discard it.
Sorry about the long preamble. I am writing this to share some ideas on trim. Not my ideas, but Gentry's and followers of his theory. I want to encourage you to read Gentry's work. (https://gentrysailing.com/theory.html)
I find it to be the reason for the sail designs now being made. Why a new design sail will give your boat a boost in sail speed.
As with all theory, we need to take this and apply it to the sails on our boats. We get out on the water and see another boat slipping by us. We ask, what are they doing we are not. The crew says, hey they have a tweaker on their jib sheet. So you send someone to get a tweaker. Why?
Gentry's work will help you understand the theories involved... Then I came across a link to North Sails website "The Science behind your Sail Trim". Ok I like science. Click... (the-science-behind-your-sail-trim-induced-drag-part-1). Again Gentry pops up, and like all good click bait ideas there is a helpful idea on Main sail trimming and the effect of managing your leach. Ok, there is also a shameless link to a new book . We are all adults we can choose to buy or not buy.
What I liked was the info about the leach and the "top telltale". How this "telltale" can inform you about the "induced drag" being imparted to the mainsail based on your trim.
Take a look. I would like to hear your ideas on this subject.
No drugs were used to induce this mind blowing confession.
I was chatting with @DrJudyB about the planning for our sadly canceled 2020 Circumnavigation of Vancouver Island, when the topic drifted to the new sails I have on my boat. That is when she quietly dropped the "Aeronautic" bomb in my lap. "What do you know about slot trim?"
Before I thought about it, out popped my years of sailing training from the late 60's and 70's... "Have you read the work of Arvel Gentry..."
No. I had heard of him having followed the Americas Cup racing, but most of my youthful experience came from being on the water racing dinghies and small sloops. Learning to read the wind and adjusting the sails to get the most speed out of the boat and beat my competitors. Not a lot of aeronautic theory study. It would have gotten in the ways of surfing and chasing girls.
So I got Mr Gentry's work off the web and started to explore the mathematics and aeronautic associations. Bam, my head took another blow. All that stuff about "Lift" I learned to get my pilots license was disrupted by the vortices of the math.
I became a believer that I can learn new things. I have always believed you need an open mind and when presented with new data you need to evaluate it and compare it to the data you have. If the data changes your thinking you need to embrace it, not discard it.
Sorry about the long preamble. I am writing this to share some ideas on trim. Not my ideas, but Gentry's and followers of his theory. I want to encourage you to read Gentry's work. (https://gentrysailing.com/theory.html)
I find it to be the reason for the sail designs now being made. Why a new design sail will give your boat a boost in sail speed.
As with all theory, we need to take this and apply it to the sails on our boats. We get out on the water and see another boat slipping by us. We ask, what are they doing we are not. The crew says, hey they have a tweaker on their jib sheet. So you send someone to get a tweaker. Why?
Gentry's work will help you understand the theories involved... Then I came across a link to North Sails website "The Science behind your Sail Trim". Ok I like science. Click... (the-science-behind-your-sail-trim-induced-drag-part-1). Again Gentry pops up, and like all good click bait ideas there is a helpful idea on Main sail trimming and the effect of managing your leach. Ok, there is also a shameless link to a new book . We are all adults we can choose to buy or not buy.
What I liked was the info about the leach and the "top telltale". How this "telltale" can inform you about the "induced drag" being imparted to the mainsail based on your trim.
Take a look. I would like to hear your ideas on this subject.
No drugs were used to induce this mind blowing confession.