I think this is achievable in the long term but it would take a culture change. You'd need to separate the ownership of the car (or outboard, or boat, or whatever) from the battery. You buy the car, and the dealer includes the first battery. Then the exchange shops all comply with standards on minimum battery health when providing exchanges. With the right marketing and standards enforcement the public might see it just like gas - the dealer gives you the first tank, and when that is exhausted you go and buy standardized quality 87, 89, or 93 octane. It might even boost resale values of EV's, since you're not buying a battery any older than in a new car. And if the resale value is better the initial purchase is more marketable.
Sorry for the long post and ignore if it you want too
Interesting, but I don't see the equivalancy with buying gas or diesel. I maintain my car and am responsible for its proper efficiency and, hence, how far it will go on a full tank. Believe me, if I go from 400 miles on a tank to 300 miles I will check my car or how I drove it and if its the fuel, the gas station will catch h%$L from me. (I keep track of every gallon put in my cars and track the mpg to tell if there is something going wrong with my car) With social media it is easy to give negative feedback or reviews and with the current culture of reviews a number of negative reviews will probably not be favorable for that station.
Even with your scenario of complying with standards on minimum battery health when providing exchanges there is no way to reasonably assure a minimum range for the exchanged battery unless the "standard on minumum health" is drastically reduced from a new battery expected health such that there is a "buffer" or "gravy" in the standard so customers won't be stranded or angered by the "supposedly new" battery they got. Your statement that "since you're not butying a battery any older than a new car" is true for buying but with the current ranges after a day or two that new battery is discharged and you into the "replacement cycle." From then on, to get the same performance of a new battery every replacement battery would have to be a new battery (not likely or even economically feasable) or the manufacturer estimate for EV range would have to be lowered dramatically to account for aging batteries such that every new battery is actually specified as if it were a "used battery"
When I buy my gas or diesel, it is "new every time." That is, I expect to get a given mpg and thus range depending on how I am driving it. I can check my GPS and see where the next station is located when I am getting to my reserve and decide when to fill up. If the station is crowded, I can go to the one across the street or at the next exit if I haven't taken it down too far (or my wife drove the car last
) In your scenario the only "new" battery I get is when I drive off the lot. After that its always a used battery and a battery "used" by someone else, not me. I can just envision our Interstates littered with stopped cars waiting for a tow truck or "mobile battery exchange truck" or conversely, battery exchange stations every few miles. Picture it!
In the video posted they say a quick charge to get "some charge" back into the battery may be in as little time as it takes to go into the station and get your cup of Starbucks. What if I don't want to stop for that break but just want to get on my way. And that is only a "quick charge" to get me some short distance. What if I'm on a 650 mile trip? How oftenn will I have to stop for a "quick charge" before I get to my destination?
I also need someone to convice me that the overall environmental impact from an all electric EV system will be beneficial considering all the things that, when on a small scale sound good, but when taken to the extreme might be problemmatic. Things like extracting the necessary minerals to make the large "reserve" of batteries needed for an exchange system, the power grid add on necessary to charge all the batteries, (with solar and wind you'll need an adequate reserve excess capacity to handle downtime of the source- or are you prepared to dam up more rivers or resurrect the nuclear power industry) the toxic chemicals needed to produce the batteries and recycle the batteries when they are no longer servicable, the impact of the mineral extraction, and many more potential pitfalls. I have always taught my kids,there is a solution to every problem - you may not like the solution, but there is a solution. Yes that's a little simpllified but you get the point.
Don't get me wrong, I believe there is a place for EV personal transportation but I'm with Jviss, I don't see it replacing dinosaurs any time soon! Now when we get the flux capacitors perfected, that is a different story
All you old Fa%^ts like me will remember the phrase "electricity so cheap you won't have to meter it!" What happened to that dream?