Commissioning tasks and ongoing improvements of a 83 Cat 22 from trailer to saltwatercamper

Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Another rush response, on cruise kept fighting the genoa sheets on a tack, catching on forward lower shrouds. So stole the solution from the forum and put two 4 ft pieces of 1 inch sked 20 PVC pipe on them. I also seized the turnbuckles with wire all around as they keep loosening with sailing.


Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
I got annoyed with the hang up of the Genoa sheet knots on the shrouds when tacking so i finally dug out some old 1 inch PVC I bought for the fore stay
shroud rollers.jpg
turnbuckle and put 4 foot sections on the forward lower shrouds, everybody says they work good so I am on board.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Yet another project that needed to be done to enhance the sailing experience - Repair a broken crib board with glue and biscuits. not too tedious but got to line it up right and watch the edges so you don't come out the back of the beveled edges of the boards. BTW just a reminder this post has lots of stuff including pictures of things I had to do to go from on a trailer to yard to water. Check with me on stuff that I may have more pictures of or details I have not posted yet. Fair winds!W cribboard repair (1).JPG W cribboard repair (2).JPG W cribboard repair.JPG
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
BTW for you boaters in florida that have a hull that is old which my 83 qualifies, if the original motor is on it which mine was being a by circa 80-84 year, the state confers antique status on the boat and you register it with only a small 6.50 per year administrative fee. The sticker you see in the picture is the seal granted to designate the boat as an official antique! The process is not complicated but they did not issue me one although my personal hull is 68 now!K Lowered on stands, mast work.JPG
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Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
Yet another project that needed to be done to enhance the sailing experience - Repair a broken crib board with glue and biscuits. ... just a reminder this post has lots of stuff including pictures of things I had to do to go from on a trailer to yard to water. Check with me on stuff that I may have more pictures of or details
The photos make it look like the butt joint for the crib board repair left a groove ? Did you fill it with anything ?
I've tried various fillers for that type of thing over the years, but have yet to get the technique down so that the stained surface is blended well enough to hide the repair. My great grandfather could no doubt do it, but he's not been much help other than inspiration.
Trimming the edges so they butt up nice and flat would solve the need, but would likely shorten the board too much ?

Keep up the posts ! Some great stuff which I've not seen elsewhere.
The more photos the better. ;)
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Leeward rail,
I used regular wood filler putty and then stained it with some mahogany stain I had laying around and got a pretty good match. Then when I lightly sanded and added new teak oil later it got even closer because the differences are less obvious as teak oil uptake is variable. Hiding in plain sight so to speak. Thanks for comments, if you have a question post it, I have not posted all my tricks yet!
New bulkhead compass (1).jpg
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
Now that I am sailing as much as working on the boat I find myself going out in the afternoon now and then and coming back at dusk or after dark. So since I have the nav lights working now I find it handy to have a source of 12 volt for the corded flood torch and to do double duty I have a cigarette lighter light combo to plug in with downward aimed light to work in the cockpit. Why you ask, because coming back in the dark means
Cockpit lite and 12 v power (1).jpg
Cockpit lite and 12 v power (2).jpg
putting the boat away in the dark too.


Jun 23, 2016
Catalina 22 Trailer
I like that. I've got a random hole in my cabin I'm putting a red light into just for floor lighting, but I'd like some in the cockpit too. Red, because night vision...
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
Not a bad idea.
I'm a fan of having a light down low in the cockpit, especially with a red lamp in it.
No need to have the thing up high, just enough so you can see, while not screwing up night vision.

My only concern with your install is it's lack of being waterproof, yet I also like things that have multiple uses.
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
DZL and leeward The mount is waterproof as I put a rubber plug in the socket when not using it. Its a standard outdoor power plug available from seadog and the bulb is reachable so I can tint it red later. I just use it mostly for putting the boat away so wanted a bit more light then the red gives.
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
Hmm. it might be the same one i have at my power panel. Most of the exterior ones I've seen have a rubber cap attached to the socket.

I switched the dash lighting in my car to red with lighting gels used in the stage/movie/tv industries.
It allowed me to use higher lumen bulbs but still get red light. :)
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
One of the things I notices once I got out sailing and hoisting and dowsing sails was the step down into the cockpit from the cabin top (my halyards stop at the mast base) was tricky , either down to side and squeeze between lifelines to back or down direct to seat back at front of cockpit. Both a bit slippery so I added a short strip of Skid no More latex non skid to top of the coaming. Works like a charm and was easy, been there almost 18 months now and no less non skid.
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
That's one thing I've occasionally thought about. I may eventually get some non skid that matches the tan coloured sections of gelcoat.
Your post reminded me to put it in my "possible tasks" list. :)
Sep 14, 2014
Catalina 22 Pensacola, Florida
I actually have a small 6 oz jar of sample latex that matches the tan on my boat and some silica non skid additive to make this match later. 5 bucks for silica by rust oleum and 3.50 for sample paint. All out of Lowes and home depot.