The Official "What Did You Do To Your Mac Today" Thread!

Aug 13, 2015
MacGregor 26D Lake Pueblo Colorado
Sorry I didn't get back sooner. The where the all plastic ones. I replaced them and got rid of my Mercury 7.5hp outboard. I replaced it with a little 55 lbs thrust electric trolling motor that works great. I had 3 slugs stuck in the mast but dropped it and they came out easy. Had full sail last Monday. We are sailing again this week end.
Jul 1, 2012
MacGregor 26D Kirkland, WA
I'm finally getting around to our pictures from the trip last weekend. We did 4 days in the San Juan Islands, 2 nights at anchor and one in a slip in Friday Harbor. Covered about 50nm. We had a blast, and everything that I've been working on and adding to our boat worked flawlessly. Here's just a sample:

Jul 1, 2012
MacGregor 26D Kirkland, WA
I made a video of our trip. It's a little long, but I think my mom will enjoy feeling like she was there sailing with us... And I'm pretty sure she's my main audience...
But the part where the clipper zooms passed us is pretty cool


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado

Pictures from yesterday at Roche Harbor and on the N side of Henry Island



Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA

Occasionally we can take some pretty spectacular pictures: worth framing. FWIW, I would send the one with your feet and pillows to Walmart photo and get an 11x17 print. Then walk over to the frames and get a matted frame for about 16 bucks. An investment of less than $25 and you have a great memory that can hang in the den. I've done 3 of mine and it's always special to look at, especially when I can't go sailing for the winter.
Jul 1, 2012
MacGregor 26D Kirkland, WA

Occasionally we can take some pretty spectacular pictures: worth framing. FWIW, I would send the one with your feet and pillows to Walmart photo and get an 11x17 print. Then walk over to the frames and get a matted frame for about 16 bucks. An investment of less than $25 and you have a great memory that can hang in the den. I've done 3 of mine and it's always special to look at, especially when I can't go sailing for the winter.
That's a great idea, Doc. We're quickly approaching winter and that could be just the thing to get us through till next spring
Apr 19, 2015
Macgregor 26C River Way, Rockledge, FL
Reefed the main on Juvat for the first time. Blowing 15 to 20. What a ride! But why are the reefing ropes so short??
Apr 19, 2012
O'Day Daysailor 17 Nevis MN
You either have some seriously extreme heel, or your pics are sideways. :)
I'll heel a LASER or Sunfish that far from time to time but I'm not anxious to do that with my Mac. :snooty: On the other hand it would build more confidence in the righting moment of the water ballast. :dance:
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
I installed the new compression post a couple of days ago, after many coats of shellac.

It's a bit redder than the bulkhead's color. Meh.

Also, seeing as how we're not using the head as a head, I created a place to store those lightweight sails and extra clothing items out of the main cabin.

The Stingy Sailor would be proud, as I used only what I had laying around the Ranch.



Jun 12, 2011
MacGregor 25 San Pedro
What are you using, if not the head? Should I start wearing a dry suit when I swim nearby?

Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
What are you using, if not the head? Should I start wearing a dry suit when I swim nearby?

If you're in the Sea of Cortez, Mexico, swim on by!

We mostly use the marina's facilities.
Jul 1, 2012
MacGregor 26D Kirkland, WA
I am nearing completion of a new cabinet at the foot of our forward berth. (Our berth is extended over the head, so there's lots of space at the end of our mattress) If I get time this weekend, I'll hopefully finish up the pieces to fit the contour of the hull on the sides, and the arch across the top.
Here's a close-up, the cabinet door is finished, frame is still raw:

And here it is test-fit into the space:

The crooked installation of the different fiberglass panels has been a constant frustration on my boat. The frame I built here is square, I promise, but either the bed platform or the cabintop panel is glassed-in crooked. My entire deck panel is also installed off to port, if you look at it head-on. (I'm sure I'm the only one who's noticed)