With hopes I'm not duplicating: COCPIT LIGHTING

Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
I'm installing nav lighting on a Compac 16. The e-Bay outfit from whom I ordered a combination stern/anchor light for the top of the mast, at such a low price, took so long shipping that I thought I'd been scammed and since I'd mistakenly deleted the e-mail correspondence I just cussed and ordered another from Defender. Or course the day after I got the Defender notice of shipping I got one from the e-Bay company. I'll have two. So here's the idea: What if I mount one of them above the rudder as a motoring stern light and use the front 225 degrees on a dedicated circuit and switch to light the cockpit? So far I like the idea.
Jun 14, 2010
Robertson & Caine 2017 Leopard 40 CT
I don’t think I understand your plan clearly, but I think you should review the regulations and stick to conventional navigation lighting. A cockpit light is a separate function, and an ideal cockpit light is soft/diffuse not harsh/focused. (An option to make the cockpit light very dim is very handy, so it doesn’t interfere as much with your night vision abilities.)
edit: I don’t know what you paid but it might be best to eat the postage and return one of the lights
Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
Good thoughts, Cap'n, especially about night vision. As I would be able to use the forward 225 degrees independently of the nav lighting it wouldn't impact regulations. I'll be wired with diodes so that one switch turns on red/green/lower stern light for power, another red/green mast-top 135 for sail, and a third for anchor 360. I can set up a fourth switch (I'm thinking on the inside of the transom) for the forward 225 of the duplicate light. Maybe but translucent red tape over the 225, too.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
First, the use of masthead tri-colors are not without controversy. Perhaps the biggest issue is the light is located above where most people look for navigation, i.e. most look for Nav lights closer to the horizon and water than 20 ft up. The advantage to tri-colors are 2, off shore the light will be visible long before a deck light is visible and with one bulb there is less current drain than with 3 bulbs in deck lighting. The latter advantage is no longer there as LED lights draw so little current.

Stick with bow red/green nav lights with a stern light aft and a "steaming light" on the mast for use with motoring. We sailors refer to the forward facing white light used when motoring as the steaming light. The COLREGS and the USCG Regs refer to it as masthead light, confusing? Yes. If you plan to anchor out, then a dedicated all-around white light at the top of the mast is needed. All of the navigation lights, regardless of position must be USCG approved.

A good source for LED lights is MarineBeam.com. Good quality reasonably priced.

Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
I won't use a tricolor because it costs too much. I'm not going to spend close to two bills for a light I may never use and despite the fact that I'm rigging for night use I may never. I can't use a bow red-green because I've got a couple of chainplates coming up from the bow stem, I don't like lights clamped to the bow pulpit, and I've already mounted red and green on the sides of the cabin. Terminology: yes, "steaming light" and "masthead light," even though commonly mounted partway up the mast. We sailors know that.

Even though I've just bought a 16 I'm not a novice. 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 29, and 33 (obvious victim of threefootitis) in my past plus 24, 32, and 34 stinkpots. I used the term "mast-top" to distinguish from steaming/masthead. Current draw is not a consideration. The forward-facing 225 on top of the rudder post is no more confusing to other boats than a big flashlight and no problem at all at anchor. I don't see the problem other than it's outside the box. And by the way, Chapman's Piloting is a good source, too, as were sailing courses through USPS.