Yea, it can be hard to follow at times, especially when we're talking about electrical wiring!Yes, that is what I meant, shunt goes between battery and the house bus. Thanks for noticing my inaccurate description.
Yea, it can be hard to follow at times, especially when we're talking about electrical wiring!Yes, that is what I meant, shunt goes between battery and the house bus. Thanks for noticing my inaccurate description.
The short answer to your question is, connect the MPPT charger output to the same place that your current 110VAC shore power charger output is connected to. They have blocking diodes so they will not be damaging each other. The one with the highest voltage will charge your batteries. All other wiring can remain as is.You guys lost me here, I will try to map out my existing system and come back with it to see how and where to install the m-acr
Upon re-reading this post, it is unclear. The SI prevents the surge from going through the ACR. It does not prevent the surge resulting from engaging the starter. If the surge goes through the ACR it can damage the ACR.The easy question first. The SI or Starter Interrupt breaks the connection between the house and start batteries when the start button is pushed. When the starter engages there is a surge of current through the system the SI prevents this from happening.