Where to keep dinghy on trailer sailor?

Aug 16, 2018
Newport 30-mkIII Baltimore
A 30# thrust trolling motor gets it going probably around 3-4 knots & is enough for use in more protected waters. A fully charged group 27 deep cycle battery lasts more than half an hour with that motor. A Torqueedo would probably be a nice match, but I haven't tried one.

My biggest complaint with the PRU3 is that it is made out of PVC & not Hypalon. When I bought it, I was misled to believe that it was Hypalon. This little boat is lite duty & will probably not last forever, but I've been doing OK with it for a few years now. I've probably gone through about 3 gallons of gas in the outboard, so I've probably used it about 30-40 times. 90% of the time, I am inflating & rigging immediately before use.
The smallest Torqueedo would be great for a shore landing tender, since us with shallow draft can get pretty close and likely won't be going many miles with them. 2 hrs run time at half throttle. No mess, and store easily. Too bad they're so expensive.
Oct 26, 2008
Catalina 320 Barnegat, NJ
I'll consider inflatable or hard kayaks as tender if we also want to use them for fun, not sure I'd get one just for that purpose. Two tandems would probably be fun for the kids. I do have a zodiac dinghy which takings more space to store, but only takes me about 15 min to inflate it and row decently for a short trip.
Having a kayak on board is really nice even if you have a dinghy. I struggled in thought between getting the SE330 or the SE370 because Sue and I had a tandem hard kayak for lakes and rivers. We didn't like it very much because we found that we were more interested in being independent. For that reason, I don't think I would get a tandem for kids. They rarely want to cooperate. I'd bet that kids would rather be on their own in single kayaks. That said, I considered the tandem model because I thought it might be useful for basic transportation for the 2 of us. I decided to see how it works with a single, and it convinced me that we need an inflatable or hard dinghy. I really am leaning toward inflatable, now, mostly because I could pack it on deck more easily, I think, or I could tow.

I am going to get that magma rack that @Michael Davis references. I've towed the kayak and I've carried it between the stanchions and the cabin top, both ways not very satisfactorily. That looks like a great solution because I do prefer to leave it inflated while we are out. I like to use it and I don't want to leave it behind. It's also great for paddle boards if we decide to try those!
Sep 30, 2013
1988 Catalina 22 North Florida
I am going to get that magma rack that @Michael Davis references. I've towed the kayak and I've carried it between the stanchions and the cabin top, both ways not very satisfactorily. That looks like a great solution because I do prefer to leave it inflated while we are out.

You don't necessarily need a rack. ;)

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Sep 30, 2013
1988 Catalina 22 North Florida
Hmmmmm ... very interesting, Jim!!

  • Stowed Dimensions: 3’3” x 1’11” x 11”
  • Max. Capacity: 992lbs./3 persons
  • Weight: 53 lbs.

I have a West Marine PRU3 with a 2hp outboard. It is a good fit for the application in question as it rolls up & stores in a small area down below when deflated. 2 hp is more than enough to push it. a bigger motor doesn't push it any faster. The small size & flat bottom of the boat limits speed. I now see some really small & inexpensive outboards listed on Amazon. They look like they are built out of weed whacker motors. One of them might even be enough & they probably weigh even less than my Honda 2hp. I have 2, 3.5 & 6hp motors in my garage. I prefer to use the 2 because it weighs less & is easier to handle. If I use a small battery powered leaf blower to do most of the inflating, then finish to full pressure with a foot pump, I can go from packed in the bag to floating in the water with a motor installed in under 6 minutes.

A 30# thrust trolling motor gets it going probably around 3-4 knots & is enough for use in more protected waters. A fully charged group 27 deep cycle battery lasts more than half an hour with that motor. A Torqueedo would probably be a nice match, but I haven't tried one.

My biggest complaint with the PRU3 is that it is made out of PVC & not Hypalon. When I bought it, I was misled to believe that it was Hypalon. This little boat is lite duty & will probably not last forever, but I've been doing OK with it for a few years now. I've probably gone through about 3 gallons of gas in the outboard, so I've probably used it about 30-40 times. 90% of the time, I am inflating & rigging immediately before use.
Aug 16, 2018
Newport 30-mkIII Baltimore
Hmmmmm ... very interesting, Jim!!

  • Stowed Dimensions: 3’3” x 1’11” x 11”
  • Max. Capacity: 992lbs./3 persons
  • Weight: 53 lbs.
This is mine ;
Except way older. Craigslist $1000.

Had to check; pretty similar to the WM one, 6" longer stowed. But way heavier, 77 vs 53 lb. Wondering if those dimensions are a bit optimistic, feels like it's much bigger. Maybe I need to measure. Takes a lot of space in my garage, wouldn't want to have that in the cabin on a small boat. On deck I also think would be bit much. The sea eagle one might be manageable.

Edit: with my sloppy packing it's about 17x25x38 inch
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Jul 1, 2010
Catalina 350 Port Huron
Concerning the Sea Eagle. We have the larger model (370) and have had no issues with stability or paddling it. We regularly climb out of it and into it from dingy docks and the ladder on our boat. We did have one blow over / flip experience when towing it once. Wind was blowing in the low to mid 20s and gusting higher. The kayak managed to flip and was quite the drogue until I managed to get it flipped back over. If that was our Portabote it would have filled with water and been a real problem. We do get the occasional wet butt in it but usually stay pretty dry (Portabote is drier). I like it enough that I'd consider upgrading to one of their more upscale models if we ever decide it needs to be replaced.

In the meantime, we picked up a Lehr 2.5 hp propane outboard for our Portabote at a half price deal this winter, as we expect to use the Portabote more this year on our larger boat.


Jul 25, 2013
TES 246 Versus Bowser, BC

I like your signature line quote. When I first got Dragonfly, my Mac 26S, I said to someone, "I'd love to be able to afford a million dollar yacht, but the difference in pleasure between Dragonfly and a million dollar yacht is far less than the difference between Dragonfly and nothing."
Aug 22, 2017
Hunter 26.5 West Palm Beach
Hmmmmm ... very interesting, Jim!!

  • Stowed Dimensions: 3’3” x 1’11” x 11”
  • Max. Capacity: 992lbs./3 persons
  • Weight: 53 lbs.
Yea, & those things go on sale for like $700 sometimes, with the foot pump & oars & a bag & a patch kit & a certificate of origin so that you can get them registered.

I'm tempted to get one of the uber cheap outboards from Amazon so that motor theft will be less of a worry. I wish that the guys selling them would post a proper shaft length.



Aug 16, 2018
Newport 30-mkIII Baltimore
Yea, & those things go on sale for like $700 sometimes, with the foot pump & oars & a bag & a patch kit & a certificate of origin so that you can get them registered.

I'm tempted to get one of the uber cheap outboards from Amazon so that motor theft will be less of a worry. I wish that the guys selling them would post a proper shaft length.



I read something from people who had tested those. Apparently weed wackers? Some aren't properly cooled so burn out if run continously. Underpowered, loud and smelly too. Sounded like trash IMO.