I'll consider inflatable or hard kayaks as tender if we also want to use them for fun, not sure I'd get one just for that purpose. Two tandems would probably be fun for the kids. I do have a zodiac dinghy which takings more space to store, but only takes me about 15 min to inflate it and row decently for a short trip.
Having a kayak on board is really nice even if you have a dinghy. I struggled in thought between getting the SE330 or the SE370 because Sue and I had a tandem hard kayak for lakes and rivers. We didn't like it very much because we found that we were more interested in being independent. For that reason, I don't think I would get a tandem for kids. They rarely
want to cooperate. I'd bet that kids would rather be on their own in single kayaks. That said, I considered the tandem model because I thought it
might be useful for basic transportation for the 2 of us. I decided to see how it works with a single, and it convinced me that we need an inflatable or hard dinghy. I really am leaning toward inflatable, now, mostly because I could pack it on deck more easily, I think, or I could tow.
I am going to get that magma rack that
@Michael Davis references. I've towed the kayak and I've carried it between the stanchions and the cabin top, both ways not very satisfactorily. That looks like a great solution because I do prefer to leave it inflated while we are out. I like to use it and I don't want to leave it behind. It's also great for paddle boards if we decide to try those!