Whats Wrong with the Trim on ''This'' Boat ?

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Oct 2, 2008
Pearson/ 530 Strafford, NH
Jib is in too tight.
Would it be fair to say the foot of both sail should be parallel? I can always see it when I'm looking at another boat, but not as easily when in the cockpit of ours. :redface:

All U Get
Jun 4, 2009
Ocean Yachts Islands 20 Paradise Cove
Nice try Stretch. Nothing wrong with the boat except for the lazy Captain. The flags indicate that he is motoring upwind.

Tom J

Sep 30, 2008
Catalina 310 Quincy, MA
Lack of heeling and size of the wake certainly indicate motorsailing. While cruising this summer, we suffered from a severe lack of wind, and while we usually motorsailed with the main only, we noticed some yachts plowing along with a full set of sails, inflated by the apparent wind. Maybe they were able to pick up another half knot of speed?
Jun 2, 2004
Catalina 400 Muskegon, Michigan
I disagree...that's a huge boat. Even with poorly trimmed sails, pinching into the wind it could be moving at the apparent speed in the picture. It's hard to tell from a picture, but either the main is eased too much or the genoa is sheeted in too much. They definitely don't compliment each other!
Jun 4, 2010
Catalina Capri 22 Cincinnati
I disagree...that's a huge boat. Even with poorly trimmed sails, pinching into the wind it could be moving at the apparent speed in the picture. It's hard to tell from a picture, but either the main is eased too much or the genoa is sheeted in too much. They definitely don't compliment each other!
It looks like the Jib Sheet is caught on something, which is causing the Jib to be trimmed in to much. If you look close you can see that the Sheet is not running directly back to the winch, but instead towards the Dodger.The flag on the stern looks to be blowing in the correct direction, relative to way the main is trimmed.


Sep 28, 2008
Hunter 41DS Punta Gorda, FL
Too much draft in the Jib! Should be a bit flatter to channel the wind back to the main more efficiently. Probably get a bit more speed out of her by doing that.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
It looks like the Jib Sheet is caught on something, which is causing the Jib to be trimmed in to much. If you look close you can see that the Sheet is not running directly back to the winch, but instead towards the Dodger.The flag on the stern looks to be blowing in the correct direction, relative to way the main is trimmed.
I sort of agree. Look at how the sheet's angle off the clew seems more downward than necessary. Jib car looks too far forward, and why isn't (aren't) the jib sheet(s) led outside of the shrouds?

I suppose some boats are rigged as such, but it seems like a chafe issue to me.

P.S. Couldn't the jib fairleads be attached to a toerail?
Jun 28, 2005
Hunter H33 2004 Mumford Cove,CT & Block Island
It looks like the Jib Sheet is caught on something, which is causing the Jib to be trimmed in to much. If you look close you can see that the Sheet is not running directly back to the winch, but instead towards the Dodger.The flag on the stern looks to be blowing in the correct direction, relative to way the main is trimmed.
Even with this low res photo, the jib sheet is running down to a jib car and then back to a turning block/winch. Unless another line is set to port to pull the jib in towards center, the jib is doing what the wind is telling it to do, I agree the boat is motor sailing.
Jun 28, 2005
Hunter H33 2004 Mumford Cove,CT & Block Island
Further study zoomed out, makes me believe the jib is fine it is an optical illusion that makes it look pulled towards center.


Apr 30, 2010
Jeanneau 45.2 Saugatuck, MI
Throwing a nice bow wave for having no heel and flat seas, I say motoring for sure.
Feb 13, 2012
Hunter H27 Herl's Marina, Catawba Island, OH
I'm new at this but, it looks to me as though he is motoring with full sails up.
Oct 2, 2008
Pearson/ 530 Strafford, NH
I really don't see a traveler, my picture isn't that good or maybe it's my glasses?

All U Get
May 27, 2012
Oday 222 Beaver Lake, Arkansas
Definitely motoring, hes leaving too much wake to be going almost dead into the wind without pushing it. Which is really a waste of fuel having the sails up. I second the thin wallet. If its not yet, its fixin to.
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