What were you doing at 18?

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Jun 5, 2004
Catalina 30 MkII Foss Harbor Marina, Tacoma, WA
Freshman at Washington State....my dad had a Santana 21 at that time...
Sep 2, 2009
Hunter Vision-32 New Hamburg, NY
in my case, it is said: "if you can remember the Sixties, you weren't really participating"


Apr 14, 2005
Pearson P34 Mt Desert, ME
Making $100/week (good money then, per previous post) crewing on a private 40' ketch. Owner said get some of your friends and move the boat from MA to ME. I left his office before he could realize what he had just said to an 18 year old boy.
Nov 8, 2010
Ericson 29 Grand Lake, OK
Lost somewhere in the great big blue............cuz comebody asked; wanna go to the pool?

Gail R

Apr 22, 2009
Pearson 34 Freeport, ME
Partying hard as a college freshman away from home -- and without an enforced curfew -- for the first time in my life. After a rough first semester, I buckled down and turned into a decent student. I felt a responsibility to not disappoint mom and dad and actually graduate in four years (unlike my brother and sister before me).

No boat in sight -- that didn't happen until well into adulthood.
Jun 19, 2004
Catalina 387 Hull # 24 Port Charlotte, Florida
At 18. I was a freshman at San Diego State, trying to fit school into my surfing schedule... military service came a few years later.
Pipes, Swammi's, Moonlight, Carlsbad?
Jan 10, 2011
Macgregor 25 675 Lake Lanier
U.S. Army Started sailing because my dad talked about sailing while I was growing up. I bought a 16' Snipe when I got out to go to college and sailed with my dad.


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
Pipes, Swammi's, Moonlight, Carlsbad?
At San Diego State, closest spot was North Ocean Beach, next to the jetty... 15 minutes, 8 miles, from freeway entrance to beach parking lot. I can't tell you how many times we split after dinner in the dorm cafeteria to hit the "evening glass off" during daylight savings time in the fall.

When the waves got big I took advantage of friends who went to Cal Western... now Pt Loma College, overlooking Sunset Cliffs. They'd get me a guest parking pass... hike down the trail to the cliffs, drop down to the beach and paddle about 300yds out to the waves.... Newbreak, North AB, South AB... etc. I also had a buddy whose family owned a small trailer in Encinitas... so we would surf a totally private area call Grandview St..... Swami's was always crowded, so we rarely went there. The best known place in San Diego is Windandsea in La Jolla..... lots of bad ass locals.. like newport beach, but fabulous waves.

I was always a longboarder... and the most popular place was Tourmaline park, a dedicated surf area just north of Pacific Beach. Lots of oldtimers, like me, still hang there. But my all time favorite place is San Onofre, the point, not the clubhouse.... back then it was a private club but I was a military dependent so I could get in.... San Onofre is just south of the very famous Trestles..... totally off limits in those days (1964) which made it even that much more of an adventure.

So the rule for the first two years at State was: No classes before 10am or after 3pm. Only one night class per semester. Surf in the am... class...eat..surf till dark... study...then repeat. Things changed quite a bit when I had to get a job.... but that was later. 18 years old, a freshman at SDSU, living in the dorms, Dad's paying the first year so no job needed......... Damn... it doesn't get any better than that.
Sep 20, 2011
Ranger 29 Corpus christi
I had my 17th birthday in bootcamp and my 18th on an aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean. The captain announced on the 1MC that I was the youngest person onboard that day too and that it was my birthday. How nice of him. I got pink bellied by half the crew! I miss it though.
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