West Marine

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Rob Hessenius

I have been a viewer and frequent poster on this fomum for a while. I have read many posts about West Marine and have tried to come up with a general belief about the perception of the company. I will say this first, I am a manager of a West Marine store located in Wisconsin. I have worked for the company for 8 years, 3 CEO's, and 4 District Managers. I ask my customers these very same questions. I strive to better the service to all. In doing so, I learn things along the way. I really would like a honest response to what people percieve of West Marine. I am a big boy and will not be hurt or insulted by any response. I expect many threads will pertain to prices, some will be personal issues, and some toward loyalty. I only ask this question to better my service to those that I can help in some shape and form.


Color me pleased/loyal

Rob, I started buying at WM many years ago via mail order while stationed on Guam. Today, in CA, I routinely visit/shop at three stores: Sacramento, Alameda + the Bargain Center, and Sausalito. I've always found the staff friendly albeit not always as knowledgable as I might have preferred, but always helpful. I think the prices are OK but like to shop their sales and no tax weekends which seem to compare favorably with various internet searches I've conducted. And, in one or two instances, WM "met" the comparative price. For the last couple of years, I've used Maritime Electronics (now owned by WM) for installation/advice, and have been very pleased with their work and, oftentimes, their freely offered suggestions. Although I've only used it once or twice, WM's no hassle return policy is pretty hard to beat. Finally, I subscribe to Practical Sailor and PS periodically/often cites WM's brands among their top picks. I've purchased from/through Sailnet, Boaters World and a few others but WM seems to be where I spend the vast majority of my dollars-- with no regrets.



The markup percent at WM is obscene. Now, since WM bought out BoatUS they are the "300 pound gorilla" when it comes to marine products. There is no real competition which is always bad in the marketplace. I speak as a person who has been in the retail industry for about 30 years.

Tim R.

May 27, 2004
Caliber 40 Long Range Cruiser Portland, Maine
Mine is great

My local WM is a gerat local resource for me. I do shop other places and there are 2 other large marine store in town but I find that the guys who do not know much end up at those stores. The people in my WM store are always very friendly but not all of them are knowlegable. There are about 4 employees that always have the answer including the manager. They will always match or beat an internet price and they are very interested in participating in local events. They lend us our course marks for our annual regatta. They treat me like a valued customer. I can usually get a better price than what is listed just by asking. They will also let me take things out to my boat to ensure fit before I buy. There return policy is also very good. BTW, Boaters World is a joke. I never get good service and their staff is downright rude and unhelpfull. I will never buy from them even at a lower price. Tim R.


Dec 2, 2003
Hunter 410 Chester, MD (Kent Island)
Our BOAT US (now WM) Store...

in my Home town of Cherry Hill NJ is great. They drop whatever they're doing to help you find things or answer questions. Anything not in stock they will get from the warehouse or special order asap. The manager adresses me by name, and greets me the minute I walk in. While that's probably because I outfitted a brand new H410 from stem to stern in one weekday afternoon in their store using their new boat owner's discount program, the fact the he remembers me three years later shows class. They are always my first stop for boating needs becasue of that kind of treatment.
Jun 6, 2006
currently boatless wishing Harrington Harbor North, MD
The do-it-your-self er view

I use WM for those "awh dang it why did they do it that way" items that I find out about right in the middle of the project. Otherwise, I use the internet and shop around. WM gets about half my $$$ as they have the selection if not the price and having the "right" part does take president most of the time. The guy/galls at WM have always been great.

Jack Hart

Your question!

Howdy! When I golf, I talk junk about Nevada Bobs and all of the other chains. When I dive it Divers Direct, Divers Supply, etc. When I cycle it's...and on and on! I will say this, when I drove a truck I delivered to the distribution center in Rock Hill, SC several times. I have never been treated with more respect and I left thinking I was a part of the West Marine TEAM!, and I only delivered a load there! I be a WM shopper a long long time! Jack Hart Hickory, NC
Jun 2, 2004
Hunter 23.5 Fort Walton Yacht Club, Florida
One Example of What I Thought was a Gouge

Sky Blazer Flares, the one in a three pack that fit into the pocket of your veast. West Marine regular price was $29 their Port Sully price $19, Boaters World regular price all the time $19. Seems that they really stick it to you on the sort of stuff you will just walk in and grab because you forgot were in a hurry etc. On the other hand they are happy to price match and are always helpful and frendly. Just know what the prices are in other places before you walk in.
May 7, 2004
Hunter 33_77-83 Sarasaota
As a last resort I will buy from West Marine. They are like Radio Shack is to electronics. Way overpriced and target the weekend hobbiest.


Price match

WM stores are great about price matching including their own website. I have a problem with having a WM product in the store in stock and a lower price on the WM website, matching the WM website price, and CHARGING freight on the item in store stock. I would assume WM has the same practice for non-WM price matching. Appears that WM uses the freight to make up for the lost margin on the price match. Really poor practice.


I wish they had more info available....

when i purchase items, one time i bought a whisker pole there from the Brandon FL store and they had no info about the warranty or anything, i ended up buying the wrong one, only for it to fail, dealing with the hassle and trying to get the right one, they sorta had no idea about bottom paint or paint in general, it sure is nice to physically feel the item though, wish that they had more sailing equipment available though. The people there are great, i even went on a couple of dates with one of the girls that worked at the store. Wish the location was better though it had the big store atmosphere wedged into a medium store.



I live about 10 minutes from 2 West Marine stores and a Boat US. I have been sailing over 25 years and do about 90% of all my shopping at West. I have noticed that in the last year or so the prices are simply ridiculous. I keep a Defender catalog in my car, last year I probably saved $300 just on price matching alone. I predict that that West is going to inspire some savvy low overhead internet company to open up and it will put itself out of business. West Marine = good store, nice gear, stupid prices
Feb 15, 2004
Hunter 37.5 Balt/Annapolis/New Bern
It's a good thing

Lets face it, most of us never had access to the kind of supplies and materials WM routinely stocks before they sprang up. And their locations, near the marinas, etc. are fantastic. It's a love/hate relationship for some of us that supported local marinas and chandleries. Prices can be a bit of a shock, that is IF you know the difference. As someone above said, on the routine quick items, flares, paint brushes, etc., the markup seems incredible. But as I see it, the only ones who buy those items are people who don't care enough to shop around. OTOH, my boatyard has ALWAYS charged through the nose for any last minute supplies I need at the boatyard. I'm sure their costs justify it, but yeow. So, if last minute/uninformed/lazy shoppers pay a higher price so I can enjoy the benefits of location and inventory, so be it. Besides, they don't know the difference because they never looked around. And if I need a paint brush and I can get it fast at WM, the I pay the price. Isn't that the same concept as the 7-11 or Quickmart? It costs more but it's easy. I've generally had very good service at WM, with some notable excetptions that made me and a local manager lifelong friends. (A/B refer unit that never arrived, couldn't be found, etc., etc.) At other times the staff at WM can be unnecessarily "perky" and "chatty" when I'm in a rush....but then again, they say I'm an old grump. Again, love/hate relationships...;)
Feb 6, 1998
Canadian Sailcraft 36T Casco Bay, ME
I Second Tim R. and the Portland, ME store but..

Dan and crew at WM get less than a quarter of my money. Though they are great guys the prices are sometimes as much a 300% more than I can buy the same thing at Hamilton Marine for. Why should I go to the effort of hauling a catalog into WM so they can price match it when I can keep my money local with a Maine company? A Maine company with much less buying power yet can sell me items for far less than WM?? Many of the older semi-retired guys at Hamilton are ex-boat builders and really know their stuff. Tim R. e-mail me off line and I'll give you an insider secret about Hamilton that's worth lots of $$$ halekai36@hotmail.com -Acoustic Here's just two examples of why WM gets less of my money.. 1/4" Grade 40 chain: WM 3.32ft/Hamilton 2.64ft Epifanes Varnish: WM 34.99 Hamilton 23.99
Mar 22, 2004
Hunter 30 Vero Beach
Hi Rob

I've been to your store, and think that I have even met you. Everyone at West Marine is always helpful and usually knows their stuff. A few of the younger ones don't quite get it. I buy alot of the products that I need on line because even with shipping, the prices are usually cheaper. Another reason I shop on line is for convenience, I live about 40 miles from both West Marine stores in our area and It doesn't pay to make the drive for a few items. In your store in particular, unless things have changed in the last six months, you seem to target power boaters more so than sailors. I tend to use the Appleton store more just for that reason. A couple weeks ago, I went with my list (a few hundred bucks) to the Appleton store, when I got there, it was closed for inventory at 5:30. I've worked retail and never ever have we closed early for inventory. That put a sour taste in my mouth for a few days, and ruined my weekend boat projects. When I got home, I placed my order with Defender and Mauri pro. If you know the guys in the Appleton store, you might want to pass this on to them. Other than that, I like shopping there because you can see the actual product that you are buying. I know It will work when I get it to the boat. just my 2 cents.


Worst Marine

I will on occasion make a purchase at my local store if the item is in stock. I try to avoid the store due to their pricing policy. Last time I was in the store my very overpriced can of West Epoxy Hardner rang up at a higher price than the sign on the shelf and the price in the catalog. As usual I was not impressed.
Dec 7, 2005
Hunter Hunter Greer's Ferry - Heber Springs Ark
WM (Great Store)

I live in Memphis, Tn. I have to shop online, I hate that because I like going to the store to look and see your product's. How can we get a WM store in Memphis, Tn. The closest store is 3 hours away... Thanks ~ great store.
Mar 21, 2004
Hunter 356 Cobb Island, MD
Here is my .015 cent

Agree with most of what has been said. I like West Marine for the little things; screws, sealant, trying the WM bottom paint for the first time(which I know is made by Someone else). As a corporation I feel they do an injustice to some products, one that comes to mind is "Sport-a-Seat" which is a fine product. Several years ago WM sold it, went offshore to get a similar seat, dropped "Sport-a-Seat" and is selling the cheaper brand and is cheap. They have done this with several products. Makes me wonder about their bottom line minds. I find 98% of the people work hard at the store and will bend over backwards to help. Service, Service, Service is what retail stores are about. The store I goto was a BoatUS store and only has one BoatUS employee left, the rest are from other WM stores. I always price most of my bigger purchases and give WM the chance to meet the price. Which so far they have done. Jim S/V Java
Jun 3, 2004
Oday 40 New Bern
WM reaction

We have two WMs in my boating area, but we also have a Boater's World and Defender! All that makes it easier to do price matcing, and WM has always offered to price match. If they are that willing, why not cut the margins so one might have a little more confidence that one (me, especially) doesn't feel one is being gouged. I have also bought through Rudy, Sailnet and this website, depending on what is needed. The Defender weekend sale is coming up at the end of the month, and I feel a life-sling and a new hand-held VHF straining to be acquired. Last year, I was sandwiched between a sailor from NYC and another from Boston. Anyway, WM is there when you need them, the staff is at least friendly, and will take the time to look up something that might not be in stock, which counts for something. Bill Coxe, O28 (avail)/O40, New London, CT

Tim McCarty

Generally, I agree with everyone else...

I typically will purchase the more expensive boat stuff online at Dave's Electronics or Budget Marine. I do spend a lot of time at WM though for things like paint, polish, hardware, adhesives, etc. One very interesting thing though...I think WM has the best boat shoe out there! Their performance moc is REALLY comfortable. The irony is that I have to believe this shoe is made for WM by Sperry, or Sebago (etc.), so why can't their shoes make the grade (with me). Anyway, WM is OK in my book. Their people are friendly and outgoing.
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