Well I've had a bit of a disaster. The clew of my main sail tore out so I don't have a main sail at the moment. I'm hoping to get to Las Palmas within a couple days or so. Hoping for some better luck.
Was the failure in the straps that hold the clew ring to the sail?Basically, all I'll need is the material to resew the clue. Of course, it's never that easy....
There is no clue ring. But essentially yes. There is some kind of piece inside the boom where the clew attached. I don't know exactly what it looks like yet, I'll have to remove the sail and then get it out to see.Was the failure in the straps that hold the clew ring to the sail?
Perhaps I should make a new thread?I don't want to derail this thread, but can someone refresh my memory - what is the final destination here? The original post says Europe, so the Canaries has really thrown me.
Perhaps add to the title "and return". I like all this stuff in this thread!Perhaps I should make a new thread?
The ARC leaves Las Palmas on the 9th for Cabo Verde, for those going there. It leaves Las Palmas on the 19th for those going straight to the Caribbean. It's part race, some do it for the race, and part a group trip. But it's aimed at having a group sail together for those folks that want the support and comradery.FYI, there is some big boat racing coming up in the Canaries. IIRC it starts about 11/10.
That looks pretty "champagne".View attachment 221111
Here is a Windy image with Dave’s location and the current weather info as of 13:00 UTC 02Nov2023