Transmission Linkage sticky... need help!

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Yesterday we just launched our new (previously loved) Catalina 30, "Nadine". Needless to say we're in love.....Also learned a lot, like how prop walk works in 40 knots of wind when you are trying to dock a keel boat for the first time.... Used to be pretty handy with an outboard and a tiller, but boy do these heavy boats act funny backwards!!!! At any rate, part of my difficulty comes from a "stickiness", no, let's say a "crankiness" in switching from Forward to Neutral and reverse.... Fortunately no fiberglass was even dinged, but I really had to wrestle with it..... Where should I look first? Harry


Stickey Controls

Not sure of your set-up, but if you have "Morse" controls the stiff wire inside the flexy wire often corrodes (especially after winter lay-up), thus the shifting problem. Sometimes WD-40 can be sprayed in and around the entry points as well as putting on some grease. If all else fails dig into you jeans for a few ? coins and put on a new cable....DAVE
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