That's what I call him.
He tells me that's not his name. So I tell others it's not his name... I call him Knoal. (Not his real name.)
The guy's an enigma.
Anywho, after playing Santa Claus until about 1500 hrs, A friend and I set about reinstalling the keel. Finally.
I was able to back the boat halfway into the shop, allowing us a concrete floor to crawl and roll upon.
The trolley I'd made did its job pretty well, and along with a floor jack, we kedged 625 pounds with a come-along until it was time to remove the forward uprights from the trolley.
Keeping the top of the keel in the keel trunk made things a little easier as we switched supports and kept removing uprights from the trolley, until she was reasonably in line with the pivot hole.
A little touch up paint, I'll raise the mast one more time to check everything out, then trailer down Mexico way.