The Official "What Did You Do To Your Mac Today" Thread!

Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA
I tie mine down to the tiller while I am gone. It has learned this position now and stays pointing aft till I need it. Muscle memory?
Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
Does that "thing" for your tiller extension hold the extension in place when it's not in use?
It will. I'm going to put it on the Siren. Just like the Ronstan one. It holds the tiller extension aft.
My first 26D had a tiller extension and it had a memory. (And a broken clip.) It worked great as I always new that the extension would go back in place.
I broke the rubber in a regatta and got a new rubber and clip to hold it to the tiller. It only lasted about 3 weeks before it was broken. I didn't break it... I left the extension in the clip one day and the next time I went to the boat it was broken. Don't know what happened.
I used a loop of line to hold it after that. That looks kind of cheap to me.
I'm interested to see how long this HDPE stuff works. It's not very flexible and the tolerances are tight.
I'll try to remember to take a photo of it tomorrow on the extension.

I still have to pack to go out East. I leave at 3 am Sat. (Chapster5; I won't make it for coffee as I'll be going by before 6 am.)
I'm leaving at such a time to get to ware I'm staying in Quebec by 3 pm ish. I have to get to a certain cheese shop before it closes
( ) and I want to do some sight seeing.
I'm camping at an old English fort. Fort Ingall. Link;
It was built in 1839 for a war that didn't really happen between Maine and Lower Canada. The "Pork and Beans War". (I'm not kidding... )
I'm camping. Hence the tent fly. Although I may take a bunk in the barracks if others aren't put off by snoring... The bunks have straw filled mattresses. Comfy! It's the same price. $22.
I finished the fly tonight and set up the tent in the back yard to test it out.
It works. It's not quite as big as the old one.... I measured twice and cut once..? It will work allot better than the old one though.
I just put crackers on my to get list. Can't forget those. I'll pick up fresh baguette Sunday am... MMMM cheese.


Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
Finished wiring my depth sounder display and mounting and running the wire/transducer. Tomorrow I have a bunch of small stuff to do including loading everything up. I'm shooting for a Friday launch...but it's going to take a lot of work on my part.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Yesterday I dropped the mast and started pulling out the wiring to check for burns and abrasions, but couldn't pull much more than 9 inches from either the masthead side or the base.
As I had zip-tied the wire bundle every 18 inches or so, I finally figured out that the transport bolt in the middle of the mast was installed through the wire bundle.

This was after I cut off the spinnaker hounds' through bolt with the sawzall.


The wires were technically perfect, and the anchor, steaming and deck lamps and fixtures all seem to have survived the strike.

Reinstalled the wiring, and it's now a perfect, still morning for some soldering.

Next, clear the floatation foam from the stern area, clamber on down there and do visual and continuity checks on the alternator, AP, solar and nav wiring.

So far, the only known "goners" are my VHF antenna and windex.

Knock on wood!



Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
maybe your mast only generated a "leader" that didnt connect with the main strike?

If the main strike went through your mast, it would have likely come out the bottom of the mast and probably gone through the hull getting to ground. If the boat is in the water with lots of water surface around, this usually creates "pin holes" in the hull near closest water surface.

Oh the hard...might be different but you would think if the strike did go through the hull.. you would be able to tell.. I would think the strike would want to use the metal trailer getting to ground as its a "electric field short cut". Trailer doesnt need to be grounded for this to happen.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Seems the bolt went from the mast/port shrouds to ground about 6-8 feet from the trailer, causing this irrigation valve to explode. Shrouds look good, and I've got new chainplates to install.

Nothing apparent on the hull itself, so far.

Edit- just noticed the cabin light switch on the cheap Seadog DC panel's blowed up too, so some juice did get through.

Most of the damage so far is pretty cheaply replaced. I hope that the $250 VHF radio survived. That alone would almost quadruple the expected expenses.


Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Most of the damage so far is pretty cheaply replaced. I hope that the $250 VHF radio survived. That alone would almost quadruple the expected expenses.
Electronics is what I'd be worried about too. Lightning has the affect of an EMP.
Feb 20, 2011
Island Packet 35 Tucson, AZ/San Carlos, MX
Wow, that kayak's a goner.

Yep, could have been worse. It could have happened during the height of my sailing season.

Update- There goes a $200-plus VHF/GPS radio. :cussing:
Nov 23, 2011
MacGregor 26D London Ontario Canada
All packed and ready to hit the road at 3 am.
Moosey and Coleman are coming too. Along with our 2 bata fish. (There in peanut butter jars...)
If I don't bring Coleman my sock monkey Jasmine will give me one of her stuffies to sleep with. She made him for me.
Moosey is a different story. Here;


Jun 27, 2012
Macgregor M25 Palm Coast
New Galley

I added a Galley to my M25. Mine did not come with one. It originally had one of those sliding Galleys on the port side but looked to be a PITB to use so I made one myself. I installed it on the aft facing dinette seat. For water storage I used a 7 gallon water jug from Walmart. Got an RV sink and drain and tapped into the original drain hose going out the stern. Moved the mounting brackets for the dinette table to the front of the galley and made a new leg out of PVC. The table stows perfectly on end behind the aft dinette seat against the starboard wall. I added an L bracket to keep it in place and out of the storage area. Added a storage area/seat between the original dinette seats. Had to modify the original aft facing dinette seat cushion to fit the new seat (hand sewed but it worked). The new configuration has the crew facing port, starboard and forward while eating.


Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
I'm not proud of this, but I silicone caulked the upper gap between the deck and the rubber rub rail to see if it would stop the water leaking into the bilge. If it does, I know what my next off-season project is.
Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
Re-routed my rudder lines. Installed a Clamcleat CL257 auto-release cleat on my tiller. Made a temporary mod on my keel lift line to facilitate a straight-up pull in case the new block I ordered doesn't com in before the weekend. Installed a few stick-on battery powered LED lights to get a feel for where I want to install permanent lighting later. Played with my depth sounder's transducer to try and get it to work. I think I'm close but won't know until I get it on the water.
Nov 19, 2011
MacGregor 26S Hampton, VA
I did the same with the releasing cleat. I over killed the cable and have a block mounted on the tiller so the cable coming up through the post can transition to horizontal, I did a cable to rope and it stays between the block and the release cleat from full up to full down. Sorry I don't have a better picture. I don't have my rudder haul up in this pic.


Aug 14, 2013
MacGregor 26S High Desert
I did the same with the releasing cleat. I over killed the cable and have a block mounted on the tiller so the cable coming up through the post can transition to horizontal, I did a cable to rope and it stays between the block and the release cleat from full up to full down. Sorry I don't have a better picture. I don't have my rudder haul up in this pic.
Thanks, Doc. I know I got the part number/idea from this forum, so it was probably you who suggested it...I just couldn't remember. I hope to go out this weekend, but don't really want to try it out on anything too solid.:) Back yard trials consisted of having my daughter pull up on the rudder until I had it set where I thought it would work best.

I plan on doing a cable to rope conversion at some point as well.