The Official "What Did You Do To Your Mac Today" Thread!

May 18, 2017
MacGregor 26S Piscataqua
The heater sounds really nice for how I use the boat during the winter. How long will the heater run on one gallon of diesel? I thought I heard somewhere that the fan for those heaters is about 40 watts (ie, 3 to 4 amps at 12 V) which is a significant load, something to also consider.
According to the literature, this one consumes about a cup or less of fuel per hour and 1-1.5 amps. We spent a night onboard (in the side yard) and burned half a gallon in one night. About twice the rated consumption.

And here's a thermal image of the heat during out of the outlet pipe, along with a regular photo of the same scene.


May 18, 2017
MacGregor 26S Piscataqua
Several months ago Kristen and I came up with a new logo. We recently laid down a new beige carpet remnant in Eclipse's salon, and, using a paper stencil and walnut wood stain printed our logo on the floor.
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May 18, 2017
MacGregor 26S Piscataqua
It has taken all summer and then some, but we've got the salon in Eclipse set up for how we'd like to travel. In an earlier post I showed how we cut out and glassed over the port and starboard settees, giving us a big blank slate with which to work. A few sheets of veneer plywood, hinges, latches, glue and screws later – and we've got a nice layout.

We swapped the port longitudinal settee for a dinette where two can sit comfortably across a collapsable table. Three is cozy, and a fourth can perch the little stool. Or dine in the cockpit if the weather is conducive.

The starboard settee gave way to an expanded galley with more storage and a peltier powered refrigerator, and topped off with tiles.

Across from the head is a nice closet with drawers and shelves. I glassed over the access to under the v-berth and added a hopper-style door for access to a large space. Three 5-gal water jugs forward of this.

(You may also notice different windows. More on this later.)



Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Work on the boat is slow this time of year ;) Brrrrrr. but I did finally get the ice chest re-set further forward in the port side settee and new galley installed. Other that lamenting that it would look better if it was on the water ;) the upgrades received high marks from the Admiral, so I'm happy with it as well :) .

P1050781.jpg P1050789.jpg


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
Today Lake Havasu south end. We motored down to a cove and took a great hike.

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Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
I recently made a couple of incremental improvements to the sail controls which I have come to appreciate more and more on this boat (1990 26S).

First, I like having an adjustable backstay with the fractional rig for tuning the main sail especially in moderate to windy conditions. The setup I had for a long time had the pull from the cleat down near the deck which made it difficult to both use and cleat and this gets exaggerated when you are sailing with an autopilot. The Harken cleat on the backstay finally gave out after maybe 27 years (came with the boat). Replaced the cleat and while I was at it, also added an extension at the bottom end that is rigidly attached to the block/cleat assembly but is toggled where it clips to the backstay chain plate. Seems to work nicely.

Second was an improvment to the 4:1 main sail outhaul that makes it easier to adjust on the fly.. I added the block in the picture and there is barely room for it when the outhaul is pulled in tight.. but just enough. This also seems to be an improvment in how easy the outhaul is to use.

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Nov 30, 2015
MacGregor 26S Lakehills, Tx
This is more like what I am not doing with my Mac, and that is sailing her on Medina Lake. The low water levels and rocky bottom makes it hazardous for deeper draft boats. There are some flat bottom boats and jet ski's still on the lake, but Mistress will stay safely in the carport until we get some rains to refill the lake.

The green arrows are the present water line, as of yesterday.
The blue arrow is the concrete mooring that I retrieved before it disappeared.
The black arrow is the end of the boat ramp.
The red arrow is the water level on July 4th 2016.
The yellow arrow in the water level on July 4th 2017.


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
This is more like what I am not doing with my Mac, and that is sailing her on Medina Lake. The low water levels and rocky bottom makes it hazardous for deeper draft boats. There are some flat bottom boats and jet ski's still on the lake, but Mistress will stay safely in the carport until we get some rains to refill the lake.
I'm always interested to learn about places others sail so I read a piece on Medina lake. Man, you just can't catch a break there. sounds like the past few years have really been a roller coaster ride for the whole area.
how many feet down is the water now? it looks like the boat ramp is awfully short for a lake that would be expected to vary from irrigation needs. One of our main sailing lakes is down 112' now, which is typical for this time of year, but the boat ramp is still usable (barely).
Dec 30, 2017
Macgregor 25 Chattanooga
Our sailing season just has a lot more interruptions during the winter time ;) . The drive through "boat port" for Silent Running has worked out really well. if a day does come along during the "off" season, that's sailable, it's easy to just hook on and go. in fact I have another port ordered to put the newer little day sailer (Aye Pod) in. ~ 1K each, but they last forever without dealing with tarps etc. you can still get in the boat whenever needed, and air circulation/condensation situation is a lot better than when using a tarp.

View attachment 142071
If you don't mind me asking, where did you find this metal awning at for such a great price? I have looked for months for one and all seem to be around 2k for one long enough to cover my Mac 25.


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
If you don't mind me asking, where did you find this metal awning at for such a great price? I have looked for months for one and all seem to be around 2k for one long enough to cover my Mac 25.
The company I use appears to be west coast only, but you never know.......... California All-Steel Carports inc. they have a website,, or call 844-800-5413 for info. ;)
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Nov 30, 2015
MacGregor 26S Lakehills, Tx
how many feet down is the water now?
The water level is ~ 12 ft below maximum. There is another boat ramp, but the slope on it is so shallow that I would be in the mud before I got enough water under the keel to float her off of the trailer. There is another drop-off into somewhat deeper water, but the shallows and rocks are what make it hazardous.
The lake has had some serious ups-and downs since I've lived here, but they all have pro's and con's. When full, there is a nice set of class 5 rapids going down the spillway of the damn that attracts a lot of the extreme kayaking set. The shorelines are steep, so it's easy to sail real close to shore or jump into real deep water.
When the water level is down, a veritable jungle grows in the bottoms that harbors all kinds of flora and fauna. The lake was at 3% capacity in 2014. Heavy rains in 2015 and 2106 brought it up to capacity.

All being said and done, it may be time to think up new boat projects.
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Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
I've never heard of a spillway that you could kayak down before. that's interesting. I was heavily into whitewater kayaking in the mid 70s to the mid 80s. The core group that I boated with had a philosophy, "If kayaks were made to cary they would have handles.... ours don't have handles." ;) Awww the fond memories of exciting times when we were young. ;) .


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
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Dec 30, 2017
Macgregor 25 Chattanooga
I guess I will do my part and contribute to the what I did to my Mac today.... Just finished rewiring the entire boat. Then decided I'd spend way too much money and purchased the following items:

-New coastal cruising loose footed performance mainsail with Jack lines
-pop top props cause mine were missing
-new sail cover
-new rigging all the way around (upper\lower shrouds, front and back stay, new halyards)
-sail stop
-new keel winch (already replaced cable and keel bolts)
-mast raising system for solo sailing
-new outhaul kit
-new fixed spreader kit so they don't flop around anymore
-halyards aft kit to bring my lines to the cockpit
-new gallon of neptune 5 bottom paint (too cold right now but will be applied soon)

Can't imagine the cost on a bigger boat.


Jun 1, 2007
Macgregor 26S Hobie TI Ridgway Colorado
While its winter and slow..

This is one of my favorite pictures from 2017 taken on new years eve at a sailboat camping party on a cove in Arizona. Photo credit Anita Hartman.

Dog remembers little of the night and was moving slow the next morning but apparently had a real good time.


Sep 11, 2015
Merit 22- Oregon lakes
Walt. I figured you and dog would be over partying with the VW bus convention now :dancing:. over 500 of the buggers camped out right next to the lake. one of them has his V-17, like mine, on the lake as well.