The bare mast may weigh only 100 #, but you have to add the weight of the standing rigging, the spreaders, the running rigging, any wiring, and if you have roller furling add that weight.The mast is between 80 and 100 lbs looking at known weights of masts on comparable vessels
My first boat was 22 ft. with a mast of about 25 ft. I put that mast up once and down once without a gin pole. It was much easier and safer to pay the marina a few bucks and have it done in 10 minutes instead of several hours.
With my current boat, we were just getting ready to put the mast up (a 55' mast) when the yard worker ran his fingernail along the upper shroud and found a cracked wire. Of course it was the Thursday afternoon before a long Independence Day weekend and the nearest rigging shop was 3 hours away.