We recently bought a Hunter 26.5 but want to move it closer to home. It was stored all winter in the yard on a cradle with the mast up. We want to rent a truck and trailer. And drive it across the state to a new destination. My husband and I have seen several examples of how to take the mast down without a crane on a boat this size. The marina says we can't do it ourselves because it violates the terms of their insurance. So they want to put the boat in the water, take down the mast with a crane, take the boat out of the water put it back on the cradle, and then load it on our trailer for $600. I haven't even spoken to the destination marina, and possibly facing another $600 charge at the other end is daunting. I was even wondering if we could have the marina load it on our trailor, then trailer it with the mast up, baring any obstructions to an area outside the marina to take the mast down ourselves, and complete the journey. We were also wondering about retrofitting a tabernacle to make things easier next time. Thank you for any help and insight.