I recently watched a YouTube video of Sailing Magic Carpet and they were sailing up a British Columbia fiord along with another boat that was electric powered. The difference in the diesel powered boat and the electric powered boat was pretty clearly shown.
The power storage needs for an electric boat need to be considered. Where and how are you going to sail? Are you OK with sitting and waiting for wind if your batteries are dead? A lot depends on you, and how you want your boat to run. How do you want to charge those batteries? Lots of things to think about.
Nobody can answer for you how an electric motor will work for you without a huge amount of detailed sailing and systems information.
The power storage needs for an electric boat need to be considered. Where and how are you going to sail? Are you OK with sitting and waiting for wind if your batteries are dead? A lot depends on you, and how you want your boat to run. How do you want to charge those batteries? Lots of things to think about.
Nobody can answer for you how an electric motor will work for you without a huge amount of detailed sailing and systems information.