Steering wheel on my Catalina 320 is too big?

Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
I have a big 36” Destroyer wheel on my O’Day 322, but with my T-cockpit, I can walk around it. Not so easy with 2 people on each side of the cockpit though.

I picked up a smaller wheel, to see how it would be…it is about 30” diameter…
- Harder to reach the wheel from the seats other than behind the helm
- Harder to steer (more force required), especially in strong winds when fighting a lot of weather helm
- Wheel Pilot not affected by a smaller wheel
- Made getting around the wheel a little easier, but on my boat, not that big of a deal.

Went back to the larger destroyer wheel.


Maybe I will put the smaller one on the parts for sale List.
