Sounds of sailing

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HOW Editorial

Are the sounds of a marina music to your ears or a pain in the neck? What do you do to cure halyard slap, transom slap, and other sometimes unwanted noises... and how do you respond when others are responsible? Tell us your approach to the sounds of sailing, then vote in the weeks Quick Quiz at the bottom of the home page.

David Foster

Unmuffled Cigarettes!

I can't believe the thunder with which some "macho" power boaters punish all around them while maneuvering around the marina. Tied up at the visitors dock at Geneva marina on Lake Erie over Labor Day, and couldn't understand how these folks could be oblivious to the pain they inflict passing a few yards by our boat on the way to the gas pump!
Sep 24, 1999
Hunter H46LE Sausalito

Sailing? Noise? Last week I helped a friend bring his 90-foot motor yacht north from San Diego. Picture twin 16-cylinder Detroit deisels plus a couple of 30 kilowatt generators inside an uninsulated engine room in an aluminum hull. The trip to Redwood City only took 42 hours, but it took another 72 for my ears to stop ringing.
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
Unmuffled Cigs (continued)

NO BRAIN, no pain. Very simple. Now do you understand?

Greg Stebbins

Late nite parties.

Ok, I'm old but! Came in to the marina very late Sat. night. Passed many dock parties in progress. Bulk were from the power boat end but loud. I have no idea how the live-aboard's put up with this. It's every bit as bad as my old freshmen collage dorm and every bit as cool. Get drunk, throw-up on yourself and yell profanities a lot. Chicks love that stuff right? Sent the kids below. There were several people staying aboard on our "boat house" (It's just a dock, I have no idea why they call it that) and were down for the night and I was concerned our little diesel would be disturbing - what was I thinking?.

George Lamb

Shallow Water Alarm

I sail my boat in the Florida Keys a lot. The water levels are very low, there are many places I cannot go unless it is high tide. So the answer to this question is easy. My least favorite sound is the incessant beep beep beep of the shallow water alarm on the depth sounder!


Oct 5, 2004
Hunter 420 Passage San Diego
"Phallic 30's"

What we call them in Racine, WI, are "phallic 30's" no matter what the size or make of cig boat. It has something to do with their need to "compensate" for what mother nature has left them a bit "short" on... the louder the boat, the shorter the...
Jan 22, 2008
Hunter 33_77-83 Lake Lanier GA
its all in your head.....

Sometimes my wife will ask me something or say something that I seem to "tune" out and I don't hear her. She let's me know that of coarse, but when it comes to spending time on the boat, even in the slip, I savor every sound. One mans music is another mans noise.
Sep 24, 1999
Hunter H46LE Sausalito
didn't say, but...

...we used somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,800 gallons. Average cruising speed was 11.5 knots. Could have made the same trip in my H410, motoring all the way, at 7.5 knots on 52 gallons of fuel. Would have taken me 80 hours, however, rather than 42. A pretty cool deal, regardless, to sit in the wheelhouse on the dawn watch with one eye on the radar screen and the other watching a James Bond movie. Same view from the flying bridge that you get from the lower spreader on my boat. Only difference is that when it got cold up there, you could saunter back to the hot tub for a dip. Hard to do that on a 410.

John Allison

It's the Sound of Silence

At the risk of showing my age, I think Simon and Garfunkel summed it all up with "it's the sound of silence" ..... no motor noise (especially the unmuffled roar of motor boatings equivalent of the crotch rockets), no rap music insulting the very fiber of my tympanic membrane, to name a few ..... its silence. It is not the nothing type of silence but rather , the type of silence that enables you to hear and savor the hiss of the water passing the hull, the singing of the wind in the rigging, the lap of the waves against the hull, these are the sounds I like to hear.


Curing halyard slap.

I have cured halyard slap by attaching a bungee cord to the halyard at the mast and connecting the other end to the mast stays. it keeps the halyard away from the mast. Not an original idea but might be new to some.

Rick Webb

Not A Good Sound at All

The sound I most like not to hear is that of my lovely wife informing me that the cooler is empty. All of the others go with the job. If your biggest complaint is that you hear a halyard slapping, count you blessings.

John K Kudera

My least favorite is

The slowing of the engine RPM's when no one touched the controls, followed by complete silence.

Steve Cook

Count yer blessen's

When I go to the aft cabinet for sleep, I take out my hearing aids and really don't hear much after that! These sounds that you take for granted are sounds I wish I could hear without my hearing aids. Gee, and I'm only 39 and can't hear. A motorcycle accident did it for me, just to let you know. Steve, s/v The Odyssey (H310) P.S. Didn't mean to rain on anybodies picnic.

Darcy Peck

The sound the engine starter makes when the batteries are dead for any number of inexcusable reasons. Like today.

Doug Margison

dock rubbing on piling..

is the sound I dislike the most. Halyards can be annoying at times but at other times I rather enjoy the clanging mixed in with the other creaks and clatters at the dock on a windy day / night. But the sould of the dock rubbing up against a piling can be unnerving. I recently found it is easily fixed though simply by dumping a bucket of water over the piling where the rubbing occurs - lubricates the dock. Happy Sailing, Doug
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