She's creaking at 40

Sep 24, 2018
O'Day 25 Chicago
Before you go cutting up the deck, think about what the problem is and how to fix it (easily and cheaply)

In the spot indicated in the photo there seem to be no through deck fittings. ( no stauntion or genoa sheet track.)
That raises the question If it is core rot, where did the water enter?

The boat in the pic is a bit different than mine. I do have a genoa track. I also know that one of my stantions is leaking (wet wall inside)

I doubt adding FG to the underside would help if the issue is wet core, and most likely it is.

Depending on the size of the area flexing, foot pads to spread the weight will probably help to delay gel coat cracking until to you do the proper repair.
Thank you for answering the original question! Much appreciated!