• Sailing is all about the Weather.

    Big into the exploration of Atlantic Hurricanes since Katrina came uninvited into his world, James (Jim) Gurley (JamesG161) has followed every Tropical Storm birthed in Atlantic, Gulf and Caribbean waters since. Being a boater, he knows that we often need more time to prepare than we get from the TV weather folk. Jim relies on the science of storm development to share early warning info with friends and fellow boaters.

    Early in 2018, Jim and John Shepard, (JSSailem) started to chat about the weather data available. John asked Jim to help forecast Pacific NW storms, and this morphed into discussions on weather forecasting.

    For John, sailing in the PNW is sometimes hit and miss. One day is ugly, then a string of beautiful days but no wind, followed by a series of blue-sky days and 12 knot breezes. Being ready for those great sailing days means you need to look to the Pacific Ocean and what is brewing. John has been into Pacific NW Weather since the 1970’s when his first PNW November storm hit bringing more than 40 days and 40 nights of continual rain.

    Together we want to share information, new APPs, safety, and thoughts about letting the weather help you. Identify some of the resources for sailors and help prepare you for your next sailboat outing.

    It is far better to go out on the water knowing what to expect in weather terms, than to be out on the water and see dark ominous clouds suddenly appear, unprepared.

Sailing adventures of SV MUSETTA

Ward H

Nov 7, 2011
Catalina 30 Mk II Cedar Creek, Bayville NJ
God knows we are making enough for everyone this year! Take as much as you want.
As I'm sure others do, I keep a log of my sailing. In previous year's logs you'll see common weather notations such as Very Hot, Very Muggy, Very Foggy.
This year I had to include a new one.
"Very Smokey"
Actually lost sailing time this year to smoke alerts.
Back in June it was a novelty. Now it is getting old.
Oh well, time for a:beer:
Jun 8, 2004
C&C Frigate 36 St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
As I'm sure others do, I keep a log of my sailing. In previous year's logs you'll see common weather notations such as Very Hot, Very Muggy, Very Foggy.
This year I had to include a new one.
"Very Smokey"
Actually lost sailing time this year to smoke alerts.
Back in June it was a novelty. Now it is getting old.
Oh well, time for a:beer:
Sorry about that smoke! (I'm told that Canadians are always apologizing about something...) Where I am, the warm, moist air spilling northeastward from the American eastern seaboard has been giving us a lot of fog. Glad that the wildfire risk has decreased with all the moisture. No sense complaining about the weather.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Here is one of the features of Windy that we are using in our tracking of Musetta on her crossing of the Atlantic.


Here is the legend

Set for sm - Statute Miles

Musetta is sailing in some thick fog. If conditions (temperature and dew point) hold he may see the sun a little further north.
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Ah today. Today is a glorious day! Beautiful sunshine and I can see the coast of Newfoundland. Which is encased in fog! But out here on the ocean it is clear and sunny and lovely! I'm thinking about our landfall in St. John's. If the fog along the coast is any indication, this one is going to be fun.... Should be there in about 6 to 8 hours so just before sunset here. But with the fog, does it really matter????

Having a great trip!



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
You must fend off Pirates there! :yikes:

Wait... I told you to get the Eye Patch for a case of Mal de Mer.

Just get a inflatable Parrot for your shoulder and you will fit in.

I have the Parrot on order.

Not so bad for Pirates there anymore I understand. I was just talking with a couple that have been sailing for about 7 years. They went twice to Madagascar because they loved it so much! They had started in Australia, sailed many of the islands going to Madagascar, sailed up the Red Sea into the Med, then back down the Red Sea and back to Madagascar - saved a local fisherman's life as his boat was sinking in a storm. Just by pure luck they found him just as his boat went down. Brought him back to his home beach on the day the locals were having his funeral as he'd been lost for too many days and all thought he was dead. He wrote me an amazing poem in my guest book about the whole experience. AMAZING!

If you wish to read the poem, you'll have to come visit my boat and read it in my guest book. It's not mine to share.

Jun 25, 2004
Hunter 306 Pasadena MD
If you wish to read the poem, you'll have to come visit my boat and read it in my guest book. It's not mine to share.

Hey: I'm just one creek north of you. Watch out what you wish for: I may show up in your companionway unannounced after you return!


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Hey: I'm just one creek north of you. Watch out what you wish for: I may show up in your companionway unannounced after you return!
For a minute I thought you were saying you were up here in Newfoundland! Now that would be amazing!!!! But you are on the Chesapeake. Now when (perhaps if) I return, I'm not sure where I'll be. Old Bay may not still have a slip for me. It would be cool if so, but who knows when I'll be back... Might be a few years...

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Likes: Ward H
Jun 25, 2004
Hunter 306 Pasadena MD
For a minute I thought you were saying you were up here in Newfoundland! Now that would be amazing!!!! But you are on the Chesapeake. Now when (perhaps if) I return, I'm not sure where I'll be. Old Bay may not still have a slip for me. It would be cool if so, but who knows when I'll be back... Might be a few years...

Nah: I'm in Rock Creek (White Rocks Marina), and it was my understanding that you started at Gibson Island just south of us. But Old Bay marina is even closer(?), apparently, off Sparrow's Point!

Anyway, I'm following your trip with interest, and I'll second rgranger's jealous feelings! Hope you have a great trip!
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Nah: I'm in Rock Creek (White Rocks Marina), and it was my understanding that you started at Gibson Island just south of us. But Old Bay marina is even closer(?), apparently, off Sparrow's Point!

Anyway, I'm following your trip with interest, and I'll second rgranger's jealous feelings! Hope you have a great trip!
I did start at Gibson Island, but that was only where I did the boat preparations. I was keeping my boat at Old Bay Marina. When I did my LiFePo battery upgrade the electrician that did the work was at Gibson Island so to keep costs down I took the boat there. Travel to Old Bay would have killed the budget. The work done was superb, can't believe to incredible good luck I had in getting Rick Truest from Truett Marine to do this work. I did wait almost a year for him to have a time slot open. But that's what happens with excellent craftsmen. Gibson Island Boat works is a fantastic boat yard with a number of excellent technicians in a range of specialties. They did a ton of excellent work in my boat. Rick especially was just incredible!

Anyway, I digress .. thank you. So far the trip has been more than I'd hoped for. I've got to up my game on taking photos and such. Thing is, like when coming into port here, there were stunning photos to be taken but I was running the boat and I find it very hard to do both run the boat and take photos.

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Jun 25, 2004
Hunter 306 Pasadena MD
I did start at Gibson Island, but that was only where I did the boat preparations. I was keeping my boat at Old Bay Marina. When I did my LiFePo battery upgrade the electrician that did the work was at Gibson Island so to keep costs down I took the boat there. Travel to Old Bay would have killed the budget. The work done was superb, can't believe to incredible good luck I had in getting Rick Truest from Truett Marine to do this work. I did wait almost a year for him to have a time slot open. But that's what happens with excellent craftsmen. Gibson Island Boat works is a fantastic boat yard with a number of excellent technicians in a range of specialties. They did a ton of excellent work in my boat. Rick especially was just incredible!

Anyway, I digress .. thank you. So far the trip has been more than I'd hoped for. I've got to up my game on taking photos and such. Thing is, like when coming into port here, there were stunning photos to be taken but I was running the boat and I find it very hard to do both run the boat and take photos.

Thanks for the info, and for the pointers to solid expertise in our area of the Chesapeake!

Running a boat does often seem to require 3 hands and 1.5 to 2 brains, so sometimes it's hard to find the time to fall into an artistic trance with your camera. Better not to run into stuff or broach, I'd say. :)