• Sailing is all about the Weather.

    Big into the exploration of Atlantic Hurricanes since Katrina came uninvited into his world, James (Jim) Gurley (JamesG161) has followed every Tropical Storm birthed in Atlantic, Gulf and Caribbean waters since. Being a boater, he knows that we often need more time to prepare than we get from the TV weather folk. Jim relies on the science of storm development to share early warning info with friends and fellow boaters.

    Early in 2018, Jim and John Shepard, (JSSailem) started to chat about the weather data available. John asked Jim to help forecast Pacific NW storms, and this morphed into discussions on weather forecasting.

    For John, sailing in the PNW is sometimes hit and miss. One day is ugly, then a string of beautiful days but no wind, followed by a series of blue-sky days and 12 knot breezes. Being ready for those great sailing days means you need to look to the Pacific Ocean and what is brewing. John has been into Pacific NW Weather since the 1970’s when his first PNW November storm hit bringing more than 40 days and 40 nights of continual rain.

    Together we want to share information, new APPs, safety, and thoughts about letting the weather help you. Identify some of the resources for sailors and help prepare you for your next sailboat outing.

    It is far better to go out on the water knowing what to expect in weather terms, than to be out on the water and see dark ominous clouds suddenly appear, unprepared.

Sailing adventures of SV MUSETTA

Jun 25, 2004
Hunter 306 Pasadena MD
Darn it! dLj left from Gibson Island to cross the Atlantic? That's right near where my boat is, in 'Dena! If I'd have known this, I'd have been down on the dock to bum a ride for sure!

Anyway: safe travels to you. I'm envious of your adventure!.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
They Made Nova Scotia...
Arrived Shelburne NS about 13:20 local.
Here is a recap of their route from when they left the Delaware River to their Port of Call Shelburne NS
Route of Musetta July 2-9 2023.JPG

As they neared the coast of NS the Low that had provided the lightening storm over VA had followed their path up the coast. Late Saturday the Low had caught up with Musetta and was providing nasty bang on her nose waves and wind. Concerned about the fuel state. David started searching for an alternate to Lunenburg NS (further up the coastline). A couple of calls and it was decided to put in at Shelburne. Shelburne is additionally a port of Entry and they confirmed diesel is available.
In a note I received he said :
Happy Dance! On hold with Canadian Customs to clear into Canada. Sailing up the fjord - if that's what it is was really fun! awesome wind - was driving us over 7 knots.

Total distance 672nm (approximated) Time 6 days 18 hrs 50 min. Avg Speed was 4.2 knots. This included about 26 hours of being becalmed off the Massachusetts Coast. and as Dave called it " the Fastest Pure sailing experience when we were hitting 8.2 knots consistently."

The ship and crew are safely in port.
Jun 8, 2004
C&C Frigate 36 St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
Sheburne is a great town, established by United Empire Loyalists during your War of Independence. A little bit of New England in Nova Scotia.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
John - thank you for posting these updates. I really appreciate it.

When crossing the Gulf of Maine we passed over George's Banks. When leaving, there was the most amazing ocean current phenomenon I've ever seen. Sailing along, ahead of us we saw these ripples in the water where on the side we were, it looked like there was a drop off at an abrupt line in the ocean. The other side the ocean was like glass. Similar to when going down a river and you come to a rock ledge underwater that backs the water up a and you get highly visible currents. I immediately checked my charts to see if we were heading towards some underwater shallows but the charts showed nothing. Looking left and right (OK so as this is a sailing forum, port and starboard) and this extended for as far as could be seen in both directions. I actually made sure I was clipped in thinking either we were about to hit something or this current was going to throw the boat around.

As we passed the interface from water running like rapids to water like glass, it was a totally smooth. I'd been watching my depth sounder and both it and the charts showed nothing significant on the ocean bottom that aligned with this marked edge of current. It was amazing!

My shipmate, Gabriel, took a video of this that looks ok but does not capture the full visual but it's not bad. He posted it on tic Tok. His account is:


If you use tic Tok you can look it up.



SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
John and I have been helping on the next leg of Dave Jones route [ not Davey Jones's Locker:cowbell:]

From Nova Scotia to the Azores.

We had two routes trying to avoid a pesky LOW pressure center.

Guess what that LOW caught NOAA's attention.


Invest 94L


Dammit Jim...


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Feb 14, 2014
Hunter 430 Waveland, MS
charts showed nothing significant on the ocean bottom that aligned with this marked edge of current. It was amazing!
There is fun Ocean Current ahead too, Called the Gulf Stream.




SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Our Sailors, David and his crew, arrived in Lunenburg NS this AM.

They did a short stop in Shelbourne to get fuel and savor a shower. Then headed out for a 16 hour cruise 85nm to Lunenburg.


Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Lunenbueg is a delight! What a beautiful port! Very sailor friendly, you don't have to pay for dinghy dockage, I'm anchoring out so no cost for that, and the town is vibrant and filled with sailors. 59 North is anchored two boats over, there are numerous other super nice boats here. I would come back here time and time again!



Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
John and I have been helping on the next leg of Dave Jones route [ not Davey Jones's Locker:cowbell:]

From Nova Scotia to the Azores.

We had two routes trying to avoid a pesky LOW pressure center.

Guess what that LOW caught NOAA's attention.

View attachment 217769

Invest 94L

View attachment 217770

Dammit Jim...
We may have to discuss the pro's and con's of here to the Azores or here to Ireland....



SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
"Where in the World is Musetta?"

I got a message from Dave this AM. They were sailing in morning fog. Had sailed in afternoon, evening, nighttime, earlymorning fog... Seems the coastline of NS and Newfoundland has only one sky color... Grey.

Their current position is about 30nm south of Isle St Pierre, Newfoundland. They just altered course to a heading of 90º. East bound.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I learned that from Dave. At first he was thinking of visiting St. Pierre. Then after thinking about having to go through border control revised his plan to "only in an emergency".