PSS Shaft Seal - Bellows Degradtion

Feb 2, 2006
Hunter Legend 35 Kingston
I sent my bellows in a few weeks ago (after I was allowed back into the yard to swap new for old).

I don't really expect to hear back from them, but hope they use it to further improve their composition.

New one is installed and ready to go.

FYI, I made a "bellows" compressor from a disk brake spreader. It made the job of getting the
3/4" compression VERY easy in an otherwise cramped space. The tool was pretty cheap from
amazon and I just drilling 1-1/8" half hole through both the spreader "paddles" so it fit a little
bit over half way around the shaft.


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Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
Bellows replaced three years ago. Just checked it; looks good. Whew!
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