pearson 33-2 halyards

Mar 15, 2025
Pearson 33-2 Cambridge, Maryland
Currently my Pearson 33-2 has wire/rope halyards. I would like to replace them with all rope halyards. Is there any reason I cannot or should not do this?
May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
Welcome to the forum!:beer:
No reason you can't go to all rope halyards, but you need to make sure the new halyards are sized correctly for the sheeves.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
There is a difference between sheaves for wire rip halyards and rope halyards.

Because the diameter of wire is different than rope, the sheave reflects that difference by two different widths ( an inner and an outer) of grooves. A rope sheave is only one width or groove.
You can try to modify the wire sheave to a single diameter groove. Or it is better to replace the wire sheave with a sheave designed for rope.

if you desire the properties of wire in a rope, look to using Dyneema rope rather than polyester rope. Dyneema will be near zero stretch. Polyester will stretch 12-15% At break. 3-5% at normal load.