New adventure, new boat


Feb 11, 2017
Islander Freeport 36 Ottawa
That's the kind of clean-up you like to have....
Yes it is. I have most of the cabin cleaned out already. The real hard part is going to be waiting until spring to launch. At least I have things to do on the boat to keep me from getting bored.
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
I am pulling my boat out this weekend for the winter. Quite depressing! LOL



SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I am up at the boat for the night. Fixed a minor leak on the hinge. Set up the boat for I will be gone for 4 weeks and they are predicting rain. Hope to get back and get a 2 week sail in before the snows of November

Also got the autopilot wheel back together.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Hey there Dave... Been a couple of years since we talked Sail flaking.. Ha...
Hope your doing well.
Aug 3, 2005
Currently boatless - Eastern Seaboard
Hey there Dave... Been a couple of years since we talked Sail flaking.. Ha...
Hope your doing well.
Hey bud! I'm doing fine despite being sailboatless, trawlerless, RVless, and tractorless. I am also wifeless and carless. I guess you could just say I'm less.
Aug 3, 2005
Currently boatless - Eastern Seaboard
Hey Dave it's been a while, good to hear from you. Are you all recovered from the tree attack?
Hey DArcy! Another blast from the past.

No, not recovered. I'm walking with a cane now. No more pitching decks for me. But I'm very lucky to be alive. More than I can say for that tree. He is an ex-tree.
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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I've heard of

Bats in the Belfry

Bikini's on the beach...:biggrin:

But Skates in the Shallows.... Not that is a cool image.:beer:
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Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
I've been following this thread. Not sure why since it is not a boat closely related to mine but... it is such a nice looking boat.

In the O.P. you said you were working on a new name and I want to ask


Integrity = Honesty = Unity = Wholeness

Seems like a great name to me.

Congrats on your new boat and may she give you great memories.


Feb 11, 2017
Islander Freeport 36 Ottawa
In the O.P. you said you were working on a new name and I want to ask

That's a good question. I feel like a boat can't have integrity since it is a human trait. That means it is reflective of the human in command and it feels like, as the human in command, having to state it makes it not quite right. Naming a boat is a very personal thing. I made a list of over 20 names like Yugen, Querencia, Requisite, Panacea, Kismet, Eloquence, Saving Grace... I ended up deciding I wanted to use English words to make it easily understandable to most people that will hear or see it. I then decided I liked multi-word names - really, I don't know why, I just like it. I sent in the paper work but have not received my registration so I don't have an official name yet. Waiting for the grinding of the gears of the federal administration. I'll let you know when it's official.
Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
a boat can't have integrity since it is a human trait.
In the World of woodworking, a glue joint can have integrity. It means whole, consistency or completeness.
I strongly feel that a boat can have human attributes.
Honesty = She delivers what her appearance promises,
Happiness = She exhibits an enthusiasm and appears to delight in her place in the World.
Loyalty = She comes to know the owner, just as her owner comes to know her and her equipment performs best for the familiar owner than a new, unknown sailor.
(To use a non-sailing example: when I first started playing the harmonica, I was always blowing out reeds. As I got better, I went longer between replacements. Now, it seems my harmonica and I have become quite comfortable with how each of us plays with the other. I learn to play well and my harmonica performs well for me. I think this applies directly to sailing a boat.)
Anthropomorphising objects like sailboats not only is human, but makes sense in the way it encourages us to treat the world with respect.

However, I like your name examples. And if one came doesn't feel right where another does, that's how you should name your boat.

-Will (Dragonfly)


Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
She is a great boat and those are all great boat names. I find it curious that some people choose to stick with the name they bought, and some are inspired to choose a personal name for a new boat. Boats are deader than doornails but few things have so much human emotion tied to them.
Jan 19, 2010
Hobie 16 & Rhodes 22 Skeeter Charleston
She is a great boat and those are all great boat names. I find it curious that some people choose to stick with the name they bought, and some are inspired to choose a personal name for a new boat. Boats are deader than doornails but few things have so much human emotion tied to them.
I would add to your observations that people who choose pun-like names or humorous names tend to be weekend power boaters and those going for something more emotional tend to be sailors. Of course there are many exceptions to this "rule".

I suspect it is the fact that a sailboat under power feels alive and responsive to the elements.:waycool:

Or maybe I'm just full of :poop: (I've always wanted to use that emoji)


Feb 11, 2017
Islander Freeport 36 Ottawa
I would add to your observations that people who choose pun-like names or humorous names tend to be weekend power boaters and those going for something more emotional tend to be sailors. Of course there are many exceptions to this "rule".

I suspect it is the fact that a sailboat under power feels alive and responsive to the elements.:waycool:

Or maybe I'm just full of :poop: (I've always wanted to use that emoji)
I thought about puns but I feel the same way, it seems to be more of a power boat thing. Just wait until you see the name I chose; my mother was not impressed :badbad:
@Will Gilmore your are so right about anthropomorphizing boats. They really do feel alive and we tend to imbue somewhat human characteristics upon them. But then why do we generally not give them proper names like Sally or Tony, or even pet names like Rex or Spot? I think it is because we know they are objects that we impose our personalities on. In my case, the name "Integrity" just didn't feel right. I'm not sure what that says about me :redface:


Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
I would add to your observations that people who choose pun-like names or humorous names tend to be weekend power boaters and those going for something more emotional tend to be sailors. Of course there are many exceptions to this "rule".

I suspect it is the fact that a sailboat under power feels alive and responsive to the elements.:waycool:
I see the same thing. Then there are boat names that are trying to tell you something but you end scratching your head wondering what that something, is.

Crime Pays Sandwich Ma._.jpg


Alden Forum Moderator
Jun 22, 2004
Alden 38' Challenger yawl Rockport Harbor
I thought about puns but I feel the same way, it seems to be more of a power boat thing. Just wait until you see the name I chose; my mother was not impressed :badbad:
@Will Gilmore your are so right about anthropomorphizing boats. They really do feel alive and we tend to imbue somewhat human characteristics upon them. But then why do we generally not give them proper names like Sally or Tony, or even pet names like Rex or Spot? I think it is because we know they are objects that we impose our personalities on. In my case, the name "Integrity" just didn't feel right. I'm not sure what that says about me :redface:
I hope you give some thought to the lettering font, the size of the letters, and the shape of the overall graphic, DArcy. If you haven't we (SBO) can help you here. :)

I would use this example as a DON'T for a name and hale (now that I know you're scrapping it).

My feeling; the name is too big making the stern look big. Looks like the stern of a fishing boat.

Another big mistake to my eyes; the graphic is to a flat line. Because sailboat sterns are often 3D, a flat line name appears to arch upward, the opposite of the arch of the transom.

I think the name should have the same shape as the top of the transom. That's an old standby of sailboat names from way back which still works well (I think).

All it takes is a simple sketch of your stern to scale on graph paper or CAD drawing to give them the arch (and the swim ladder joints). The graphics designer shouldn't charge much for a bit of design work and quite often is glad to see you care.

You have the graceful font on the cove stripe. May be something there? Maybe name in that font and port in typical smaller block (port on a flat line) ?

Less is more in boat name art I think. What are you thinking?

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