Missing bulkheads.


Oct 28, 2021
San Juan 21 mark 1 21 2 Couer D Alene
I do not have bulkheads in my cabin.
Is this normal.?
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
Welcome to the forum!!

Can you post photos of the interior bow? Do an internet search on "San Juan 21 Mark 1 sailboat interior images" and "San Juan 21 Mark 1 sailboats for sale" to see interior photos.
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Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
The chainplates are attached to the bulkheads. Which is simply a wall. Does your interior look like this?
The bulkheads are the two dark panels on either side... notice the metal straps coming through the deck and bolted to the wall. Those are chainplates and they anchor the shrouds which supports the mast.


Oct 28, 2021
San Juan 21 mark 1 21 2 Couer D Alene
Yep mine are missing I presume.
My girl is a '73.
Wonder if it didn't come with them.
And yes I have been looking at Google.
Seen it with, and without
I will take some pictures tomorrow.
I was wondering about the chain plates.
Looks like another project to the list.
The box on the starboard side has no lid . No opening at all?
Pics to come.


Oct 28, 2021
San Juan 21 mark 1 21 2 Couer D Alene
Here is where the bulkheads would be.
Looks original.
You can see a lump between the windows the chain plates are glassed in the cabin wall.
Looks original.
You can see there is no access to the boxed area below it.
Presuming I can cut that open, and make a lid.?
Dec 20, 2021
San Juan 21 Mk1 Carlyle Sailing Association
Late to the thread, I know, but I also have an SJ21 Mk 1 and my interior looks just like yours. I believe those large bulkheads were only on the Mk 2s...and I know a handful of Mk 2 owners that have cut them back or replaced them with much thinner metal bulkheads in order to open up the cabin some more.

And yes, you can open up that box, it's hollow inside. Luckily the former owner of mine had taken care of that already.