'sim all right. Combing his hair a little differently than the last time we met up.I’m pretty sure this is an actual unretouched photograph of @Meriachee .
What's particularly funny about that is that my brother once showed me a video on youtube of an alien interview that was supposedly from 1962. His argument that it was real was that the technology to fake the video didn't exist in 1962.
You're just too hard to convince, @Will GilmoreI just need proof that the proof exists.
So... cockroaches?until the dominant species attains sentience.
Actually, see them all the time. Stand in front of a mirror and take the pic. Voila... selfie with camera in shot.Talk about modern tech. I've never seen a "selfie" before where the I-phone was in the picture.
Up to you to decide. I try to follow the sage advice of not throwing stones in glass ...Wait a minute I forgot what I was going to say.So if I recognize all of them I qualify as “Middle Age”?
Yes, mentally.So if I recognize all of them I qualify as “Middle Age”?