It's a wrap

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Ron M

Captain Ron

Captain Ron! Other films are good, but what other film tells the story of how people locked in the city and chained to those inescapable "must do's", can be set free to live and sail as free-lance wanderers (and do it with children!).
Feb 27, 2005
Hunter 33.5 Missouri
Don't know the name

Wasn't there a movie made about the real life story of the crew of a sailboat named "Trashman". Saga of their ordeal staying alive when the boat goes down. Don't know the name. Saw it once and read a short story regarding the whole affair. How about the scene in the Peirce Brosnan movie Thomas Crown Affair when his character pushes the envelope with a very large cat or trimaran and totally destroys it. Looked like fun up to the point where they lose it.
Jun 4, 2004
Catalina 310 LaSalle, MI
Yes, well...

"Wind" is great for raw racing footage...very exciting. The plot line is a bit cheezy however. Nonetheless, I have it on tape and watch every year at about this time... "Captain Ron" is also a personal favorite...think I'll pop in the DVD NOW!
Sep 7, 2004
Hunter 33 Marina Del Rey, CA
Worse than Message in a Bottle

Agree with Capt. Ron and Wind. But to follow Message in a Bottle, another Kevin Costner film... ...WaterWorld!!!
Jun 2, 2004
Oday 25 pittsburgh
Worse yet, had they made it ,Barberella II....

So with that as a guide line, message in a bottle isn't half bad. r.w.landau


Two Greats!!!

While I really like Capt Ron, and Dead Calm. There are two excellent films that have some incredible sailing scenes on board Schooners. They are "Captains Couragous" with Lionel Barrymore and Spencer Tracy. And the other is "The World in His Arms" with Gregory Peck and Anthony Quinn. I highly recommend both of these movies. They are rather old movies now and hard to find but I believe both are still available. For a fun movie I also like another schooner called the Echo. The movie is the "Wackiest Ship in the Army" with Jack Lemon and Rickey Nelson. For pure racing, "Wind" is great but like most it has very little for Plot. But with the racing scenes, who needs plot? Those are my picks. PK


I never tire of Wind!

I like the scene where they are pulling Geronimo across the desert ... then the very next scene is the crew doing a war dance on the deck of Geronimo as they are putting out to sea and there is pandemoneum on shore and everywhere around them. What a sight! That was some great movie making!


Jun 1, 2005
Hunter 30 Pickwick Lake, TN River
No Latitude for Error - Sir Peter Blake

I've heard that No Latitude for Error about Sir Peter Blake is excellent, but I can't find a copy any where. Anybody know where I can get one?


Sep 22, 2006
Catalina, Luger C-27, Adventure 30 Marina del Rey
I enjoyed White Squall

with Jeff Bridges and now I've got to see Captain Ron.
Jun 2, 2004
Oday 25 pittsburgh
Horn Blower was hours of good movie.

It is 8 episodes about 4 cd's long. r.w.landau Horatio Hornblower **** 1999 The four part TV adaptation of C.S. Forester's classic Napoleanic war saga. The critics gave it mixed reviews, for which they should be flogged. Well written, superbly acted, with lots of actual sailing aboard real tall ships. Ioan Gruffydd deserves special note for his portrayal of young Hornblower as he blossoms from raw cadet into an experienced and confident naval officer. They used two actual tall ships in this production, the Grand Turk, in the role of all the frigates, but especially as Indefatigable, and the Baltic trading schooner Julia, as all the smaller vessels. They used 11 scale models for the battle scenes. These models weighed 3,000 lbs each, and had working rigging and cannons that fired by remote control. Episode 1: The Even Chance Episode 2: The Examination For Lieutenant Episode 3: The Duchess and the Devil Episode 4: The Frogs and Lobsters 2001 Episode 5: Mutiny Episode 6: Retribution 2003 Episode 7: Loyalty Episode 8: Duty Available DVD, VHS


Jan 29, 2007
Hunter Cheribini Lk. St. Clair MI
Movies are good.....but books

Captain Ron had to be the best, but my favorite book is, '"Laviathan" a story of revenge'. It's a great story of a man and a sailboat, a Swan, against the oil companies. Great!!!
Oct 15, 2004
Oday 34 Wauwatosa, WI
dmc - what is the book title?

I have searched for a book called Laviathan or Leviathan, but can't find either one. Do you have the author's name? It sounds interesting. By the way, we sailed through Lake St Clair last spring on our way home to Milwaukee. The boat we purchased was stored at Boatworks Marina on the Clinton River.


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
no, no, no,......

best "sailing" movie..... "Summer Rental" with John Candy. I'm serious. Rip Torn gives John Candy lessons that capture the real essence of small boat saiing. Then he sets out to kick Richard Crenna's yacht club butt in the annual summer regatta. Another cool one... "Joe and the Volcano" with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Joe charters Meg's schooner to sail him to a South Pacific island where he will sacrifice himself but discovers life on the way, thanks to the sailboat and her skipper. Yesssss, the first 15 minutes of "Captains Courageous" might be some of the best big boat racing ever filmed, color or black and white.


Aug 24, 2005
Nassau 34 Olcott, NY

I beleive the author is Michael Creighton - he also wrote Jurassic Park among other well knowns.
May 23, 2004
Hunter 37-cutter Berkeley
Scott& dmc

The book was called "The Shipkiller" written in 1978 by Justin Scott. Good story. Best movie? Gotta be Wind! Just really enjoyable. Adventures in Paradise was a great tv series.

Crew of Mistress II

Captain Ron

Kick the tires and light the fires! We watch Captain Ron before every long trip just to remind us the difference between gorillas and guerrillas.
Jun 14, 2004
Ericson 29 Biddeford, ME
Capt Ron

Looks like I am in agreement with many on this post with my pick of Captain Ron. Not a lot of sailing actually but the story is great. The admiral says we can sail off like that if we have a Captain Ron with us. Me wearing an eye patch is not quite enough I guess. Next pick is Summer Rental, a lot of fun. Another fun one is One Crazy Summer. Focus is not on sailing but the Regatta at the end is pretty good.
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