I'll never see this again

Jan 8, 2025
Compac 16 Pensacola, FL
A house away the road drops steeply to a T intersection. The city has the downhill lane blocked and detoured. There are half a dozen men and one shovel chipping away at an ice cake.

Reminds me of the man who saw a worker digging holes on a street shoulder and another man filling them back up. He asked what was going on. "We're planting trees." "But there are no trees!" "The guy who puts the tree in the hole called in sick."


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
The first time I visited Jacksonville, Fla, there was something like a foot of snow on the ground. I didn't know any different and it would have been a gas, except we'd just stepped off a plane from the Virgin Islands, in shorts, no less!
Boston wasn't any better for my crew and I, in our shorts, on our way to Cyprus to pick up a boat and deliver her back to somewhere up the Chesapeake.
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Oct 19, 2017
O'Day 19 Littleton, NH
Seeing the World, as best as my wife and I can. I've been to a lot of it, from swimming with whale sharks in Mexico to a boat trip to the Princes' in the Bosphorus Strait, Turkey. I've even sailed a boat in Paris, France.

Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Just 17 little hours of flying, and my view went from this

To this
View attachment 229493
New Hampshire, USA to Bangkok, Thailand.

Honestly, I like the first view better. But I love new views even more.
I saw Thailand from an aircraft carrier.
Our Marine squadron used to deploy with the Midway. During the evacuation of Vietnam, many US jets, F5s and A37s were flown to Thailand to avoid falling in N Vietnamese hands. They were air lifted to the carrier and we took them to Guam.
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Apr 8, 2010
Ericson Yachts Olson 34 28400 Portland OR
Probably the most excitement Guam had seen in decades. Or was it a staging point?
A lack of "excitement" was not so bad. :waycool:
On an occasional day off from duty when I was stationed at NavComSta Guam, I and a buddy rode the jitney bus over to Andersson AFB to watch the B-52's take off. What a Roar!
I was just grateful to not be IN a combat zone....
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Mar 23, 2017
Belliure 41 Back in the Chesapeake
Seeing the World, as best as my wife and I can. I've been to a lot of it, from swimming with whale sharks in Mexico to a boat trip to the Princes' in the Bosphorus Strait, Turkey. I've even sailed a boat in Paris, France.

@Will Gilmore What was the waterline of that boat in Paris? How many did it sleep? Remind me, my memory is bad...

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Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Probably the most excitement Guam had seen in decades. Or was it a staging point?
I don't know where they went from there. We also dropped off a LOT of refugees there too. That was definitely a staging point for them.
From the boat, Guam looked like a scenic place to visit as a civilian. Never made it back though.
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Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
3/8 mile driveway uphill With steep incline with a 2-6 inch sheet of ice in the Virginia mountains. Had to park 4 x4 truck by the road. One positive thing though,, I am loosing weight huffing and puffing