I guess I always did want to live aboard.


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
There is a segment on one of the nioghtky news programs called "And Now The Rest of The Story". I hear many "I never saw it coming" stories and my answer is always , "Then you weren't paying attention." Many people will tell you that they have a wonderful marriage but if you ask the other partner you will learn that one on them has a wonderful marriage but the other is used, abused, neglected and generally ignored. Neil Diamond wrote the song ,"You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore". That song says more in three minutes about a relationship being neglected than some books can say in 300 pages.

Nancy and I have a 50-50 partnership. Sailing is not high on her list on favorite things so we don't sail as much as I would enjoy. We have worked through some very difficult times in our 42 years together. We have both survived life threatening illness. We have had financial highs and lows. Through it all we have made certain that we paid attention the the wants and needs of each other. I thank her for keeping our business books and she thanks me for working and bring home an income. I thank her for her house keeping labor and she praises my cooking and canning efforts.
I tell her I am glad she is my wife, that she can put up with my being me and she thanks me for keeping her because there were times during those 42 years that devorce or murder crossed one of our minds. We stayed up many long nights thrashing out problems that were causing one of us distress. We never allowed a "you don't understand" to lay on the floor un answered. When two people live closely together they are bound to have diferences that must be worked through and respected.
Jun 4, 2004
Oday 25 Alameda
Look Snotter, I'm not a very diplomatic person and I tend to get right to the point so forgive me when I say, I'm beginning to see why you have a target on your back. Your pretty whiney. Stop being the victim. If you want sympathy, your knocking on the wrong door. Pull up your panties and man up. Life is unfair. You got hosed. Learn from it. Its time to move on and regain your dignity.


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
Be it Alabama or Ct or CA, it's all in the woman you chose to share your life with. We learn every day as we live our lives. This is an experience for you . I consider them to be learning experiences or else they'd be mistakes. And we all know, being guys, we don't make mistakes, LOL Learn from it. educate yourself. No two people are alike.
Learn from it and bite the bullet and create a positive environment for yourself and your children will be much happier when their Dad is. I find that ugly people, lead ugly lives and happy people, lead happy lives. You must ask yourself which way do you want it? You have your health and a boat and a good job. Thats more than 75% of the people around you. That's a positive aspect, focus on that and you'll feel better about contributing to you children's future as you also contribute to yours. They know where the support is coming from. They might not show it now, but they will, further on down the line.
I married and adopted her 3 yr old. Twenty years later, college included, I divorced and the ex poisoned her daughters mind against me. Now fifteen years later, the daughter understands it was not as MOM portrayed it to be. It broke her heart. She now realises that her Mom used her as a tool to strike out at me. I am close to my daughter now and enjoy her children beyond everything. Time has a way of straightening the miscues out. Be patient and enjoy yourself. Your boys will thank you for being positive. They know more than you think they do. See to it that you are a positive influence in their lives.

Keep it up,
Aug 16, 2006
Ericson 32 Oregon coast
Snotter, marriage is an institution by women

for women. At best it's going to cost you more getting out than getting in. That's just the way it is.
Jan 27, 2007
Irwin 37' center cockpit cleveland ohio
Wow, some of you guys are idiots. I went through the same thing he did. Judge gave her the nice house and I got the rental...and more. I'm 57 with no retirement, health going, and don't want ANY sympathy However, some of your comments are based on stupidity. ALL states are looking a different programs and the flavor of the month is to pay for college. Now think about this...you pay the bills of college AND child support...even though he lives away at College for 9 months of fthe year. Fair? Hell no. But youse guys are saying "Pull up your panties and act like a man" . Too funny.


Mar 26, 2009
1976 formosa 41 yankee clipper santa barbara. ca.(not there)
btw, guys--isnt only the man who gets treated like this---many women do as well-----lemme tell ye about my second ex hubby the stalking sob who took all i owned and made sure i lost everything else---tried to get my life as well---alll i did was work 20 hours every single day of the week......the puto didnt work at all......go figger......thought he was gonna get money on top of the goods!!!!!! hell--i owned everything from BEFORE the marriage from hell started and i still lost all......but--guess what--i am still alive and i am broke but ---is my life-----so---suck it up and enjoy what you have left and be thankfull for having the ability to be able to re-make a life for yourself........isnt easy and isnt a bad thing after all------there is a reason for everything we go thru----enjoy the lemonade and such ye get from the lemons given......gooood luck......