Hunter 240 owners here?

Jun 10, 2024
Macgregor / Hunter M25 /Hunter 240 Okanagan Lake
I am curious to know how many Hunter 240’s are being enjoyed. It’s almost that time of the year. We will be unwrapping ours soon. We’re hoping to lift some sails on her this year.
Any tips would also be appreciated.


Jun 5, 2004
Hunter 240 Louisville, KY/ Patoka Lake,IN
We have enjoyed our 240 for nearly 25 years. (Grandson in the thumbnail is now a Marine Corps officer.) Although a bit tender, it has been a perfect lake boat, comfortable for a couple and simple to single-hand. The open transon is great when it’s time for a quick dip. As long as you’re not over 6’ tall, it works well for sleeping aboard.
She lives at a slip from early March until mid-November - otherwise indoors at the marina’s storage facility. Every year we go through the standard two foot-itis and thoughts about a true keel boat but end up staying put.
A water ballast boat might not be best for more challenging sailing grounds, but for us it’s been great.
Jun 10, 2024
Macgregor / Hunter M25 /Hunter 240 Okanagan Lake
Twenty five years, very nice. That says a lot for the 240. Thanks so much for sharing.
Sep 29, 2008
hunter 240 Dewey beach, De
I've been enjoying my 240 since 1998. Perfect boat for where I sail in shallow bay with some offshore trips when weather is appropriate.
Jun 10, 2024
Macgregor / Hunter M25 /Hunter 240 Okanagan Lake
That’s awesome 27 years. Since new you’ve been enjoying her. I found a really good write up on the 240. They gave it really good marks for sailing but low marks for comfort. When I was out in mine I noticed right away there is less leg room in the cockpit when sitting at the tiller. I can’t wait to spend more time on her.

Feel free to share do’s and don’ts :)
Jun 12, 2021
Hunter 240 Aqualand Marina, Lake Lanier
We bought our H240 about three summers ago. We had planed to take it to St. George once a year and keep it on Lake Lanier, Georgia the rest of the time. We put it a slip on Lake Lanier at Aqualand Mariana and we have never pulled it out. It is perfect right where it is because I got old and can not trailer and set up a boat without resting for two days afterwards. I haven't found a boat I like better for our kind of sailing. Our Catalina 25 friends always want to go out with us because our cockpit is large enough for six with out crowding. I have the only refrigerator on the dock which makes me popular.
Jun 10, 2024
Macgregor / Hunter M25 /Hunter 240 Okanagan Lake
Hi Pat
Many thanks for posting. More great news, I love it. Yesterday we were contemplating unwrapping the Hunter. Today we had to put our snowplow back on. It won’t be long.