How much wind or sea state is too much?

Mar 25, 2015
catalina 22 Fort Walton
I love it guys! This also substantially increases my confidence in the boat. I went out on lake Michigan with my dad and his boat once, I didn't know enough to be scared and had that thing heeled deep into the water because hell, I thought that's what sailboats do right? I didn't know that was abnormal until my dad, attempting to sound confident, shakily asked if I was uncomfortable yet. Recognizing the voice and look I quickly turned into the wind to reduce heel and he quietly explained that it was inefficient and no, water was not supposed to be flowing into cockpit... sheepishly I apologized.


Jun 5, 2014
ODay Mariner Guntersville
Great thread! Thanks, all; especially Ramblin'Rod and DrJudyB; very helpful.
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg
With spartacus99's comment about increased confidence in his C22...

While I know he wasn't referring to my comment about my boat being unsinkable,
I should clarify that I was only talking about the DINGHY we were sailing, which has a sealed deck/hull and is full of floatation foam.
Mar 25, 2015
catalina 22 Fort Walton
So I've been sailing 2 - 3 times per week now and am loving it more and more. I've gained confidence in sail shaping, rigging, trimming, well - many things actually. My 40th birthday my wife and I went sailing with just us and it was steady 15kt winds and calm water that allowed us to really enjoy the day. Story time though.

So one day out the motor broke. Wouldn't start, just dead.

To get into harbor there is a 1/4 mile channel about 30-40' wide that winds around around and brings you to the slip. The winds were gusty and shifting so I had a few options.
1. Sail boat into slip.
2. Crank up the keel and beach the girl.
3. Remove registry numbers, take hammer to hull and abandon boat and all hope.

I sailed it in. Using every inch of space in the narrow channel, she wouldn't point well due to growth on the bottom (now scraped after this) so I only made a few feet each time. Otherwise she would stall in the turn and fall off if I tried to point to high. Balancing the speed required to come about with how much i could point was nerve wracking. If i pointed too high and didnt get enough speed then she would fall off and run into docks, rocks, or beach. Based on winds, I eventually got her pointed towards the slip, angled in just right so the winds would push her exactly into the slip then ran forward (none of my halyard lead aft) to drop sails. Then ran back to the tiller. Ended up perfectly in the slip with just a gentle brush of the bumper against the dock.

Probably not that cool to many of you but to me, who has had nightmares over this exact scenario, I am really proud of myself, especially considering my overall lack of experience. Though, I'd prefer to never repeat it.

Also, I am considering adding oar locks to the boat now.

The family has all agreed that they love being on the boat and this summer has truly been a terrific experience....the stuff a young kid's, who reads too many sailing books growing up, dreams are made out of.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Sorry to hear about your motor, but glad you got the chance to gain the experience of sailing her in with limited maneuverability. Like you said, the experienced gained is priceless.

Don't put in oar locks! Seriously, I'll slap you with two wet noodles :cussing:
Try to find a deal on a couple paddles for SUP's (stand up paddle boards). As long as you have someone on-board to help paddle you probably get her going at a fair pace. Even alone you'd probably be ok.

I'm sure you are shopping for a new motor right now... I wish LEHR made the propane 5HP in a longshaft, I think that would be a fantastic motor for the C22.

So I've been sailing 2 - 3 times per week now and am loving it more and more. I've gained confidence in sail shaping, rigging, trimming, well - many things actually. My 40th birthday my wife and I went sailing with just us and it was steady 15kt winds and calm water that allowed us to really enjoy the day. Story time though.

So one day out the motor broke. Wouldn't start, just dead.

To get into harbor there is a 1/4 mile channel about 30-40' wide that winds around around and brings you to the slip. The winds were gusty and shifting so I had a few options.
1. Sail boat into slip.
2. Crank up the keel and beach the girl.
3. Remove registry numbers, take hammer to hull and abandon boat and all hope.

I sailed it in. Using every inch of space in the narrow channel, she wouldn't point well due to growth on the bottom (now scraped after this) so I only made a few feet each time. Otherwise she would stall in the turn and fall off if I tried to point to high. Balancing the speed required to come about with how much i could point was nerve wracking. If i pointed too high and didnt get enough speed then she would fall off and run into docks, rocks, or beach. Based on winds, I eventually got her pointed towards the slip, angled in just right so the winds would push her exactly into the slip then ran forward (none of my halyard lead aft) to drop sails. Then ran back to the tiller. Ended up perfectly in the slip with just a gentle brush of the bumper against the dock.

Probably not that cool to many of you but to me, who has had nightmares over this exact scenario, I am really proud of myself, especially considering my overall lack of experience. Though, I'd prefer to never repeat it.

Also, I am considering adding oar locks to the boat now.

The family has all agreed that they love being on the boat and this summer has truly been a terrific experience....the stuff a young kid's, who reads too many sailing books growing up, dreams are made out of.
Sep 8, 2014
Catalina 22 Swing Keel San Diego
Belay my last... LEHR does make the 5Hp propane with a 20" shaft!

Sorry to hear about your motor, but glad you got the chance to gain the experience of sailing her in with limited maneuverability. Like you said, the experienced gained is priceless.

Don't put in oar locks! Seriously, I'll slap you with two wet noodles :cussing:
Try to find a deal on a couple paddles for SUP's (stand up paddle boards). As long as you have someone on-board to help paddle you probably get her going at a fair pace. Even alone you'd probably be ok.

I'm sure you are shopping for a new motor right now... I wish LEHR made the propane 5HP in a longshaft, I think that would be a fantastic motor for the C22.


Feb 21, 2009
Catalina 30 San Diego/ Dana Point, Ca.
Congrats on a wonderful turning point success. Those of us who've had a similar situation know the gambit of emotions you experienced and the thrill of the success!
I am sure there was no one at the dock to see such incredible handling right? That was the case when it happened to us

Honestly it's the ups and downs that keep us working at it. Congrats again.
Mar 25, 2015
catalina 22 Fort Walton
Thanks. Btw- was able fix the motor- carb cleaner and drained the old gas- ethanol stuff and put in real gas. It starts first pull now. I keep the carb cleaner in my boat tool bag now!
Mar 20, 2015
C&C 30 Mk1 Winnipeg

Fantastic job!

I've run into more than a few sailors who would be screwed if they lost engine power, even though they have sailed for years. You have probably surpassed them in many other areas too. ?de0a

I've always been inclined to push myself to learn as much as possible, no matter the topic, but since the only keel boats we usually sailed were large charter boats, I usually didn't push it. Fortunately both our sailing instructors did, and got us to sail most of the time... Small channels, picking up moorings and anchoring etc.

That skill has saved our butts a few times

Now we actually do it a lot, with the engine idling just in case we screw up.
We love the challenge, and it will save our butts again.

Not to mention it's fun to see the look on someone's face when you pull into an anchorage and pick up a mooring under sail with no yelling lol.

BTW: there's no such thing as reading too many sailing books... Hehe
May 19, 2014
Catalina 22 wing Westbrook CT
Great job-!!!
Once I lost the engine on my Catalina 30 and had to sail it into the slip.


Mar 31, 2013
O'Day 26 CB New Orleans
Good work and great post. Inspires me to stop being lazy using outboad and refresh / sharpen my close quarter sailing skills.
Thanks for the figurative butt kick.
Mar 26, 2012
Catalina 22 Pflugerville
Great story! And good job there!
Not sure if I'm more envious of your skills or your schedule that allows for sailing 2-3x/week!


Jun 5, 2014
ODay Mariner Guntersville
Just a thought for the day:

There are three typical situations in sailing:
*Not enough power
*Sailng Nrivana: Perfectly powered up and the helm is perfectly balanced
*Too much power and there's too much heeling and too much pressure on the helm.

When thre's not enough power, the boat isn't going as fast as it could downwind or working its way upwind effiecienly and effectively. So you and you do every thing to take advantage of the wind that there is. You trim to increase the power of the sailplan by optimizing draft

Nirvana - the sails are perfected trimmed and are getting just enough power so that the helm is perfectly balanced, and boat is sailing flat and fast.

Too much power. Boat is heeling too much. Helm is tugging and the boat is trying to turn one way or the other and you are fighting the helm. You need to depower the sail plan to get back to Sailing Nirvana.

The way you tell the difference between the three states is by the speed of the boat, the angle of heel, and the pressure on the helm. Those are the three bits of input you need to decide what to do.

Learning what a boat "feels" like when it's being sail to its potential is the first step in learning to sail, IMO. That's Sailing Nirvana ;)
DrJudyB's last sentence describes what I've been doing to learn how to sail. I don't have any instruments other than tell-tales. When I'm solo, I can't see the foresail tell-tales and I use the main's tell-tales only to confirm that I have the sails trimmed right.

What I'm learning is that for any point-of-sail/wind speed combo, there is a "Sailing Nirvana."
And the tiller is a great indicator. First, I pick a point of sail, then adjust the foresail so that it's just away from luffing. Then I trim the main until I need just a tiny amount of force on the tiller. That's when the boat feels the best. And that's when I check the telltales and find them streaming just like they are supposed to. And like DrJudyB said, that is the fastest way to sail on that particular point; it is also the most relaxing.

I say all that to say this: Thanks for the details like in Post #13. Please keep them coming!
Mar 25, 2015
catalina 22 Fort Walton
I try to achieve balance too. I have troubles doing that in a following sea though. I always prefer to sail upwind or on a reach because she maintains that balance whereas in a following sea the waves seem to push her rudder around and she goes 'out of whack' too quickly.
Also I have no instruments so everything is by feel so my reef point is when the boat consistently heels more than 30 degrees. Lastly, we always are talking about lift but that is generated by differential pressure created by slower air flying opposite the camber of said wing. It seems like our sails perform air deflection as opposed to actual wing lifting moments. Thoughts?